Task: View / Display FreeBSD Routing Table

Use netstat command with -r option:
$ netstat -r
$ netstat -rn


Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
default 61.221.xx.yy UGS 0 247 em1
10 UGS 0 50 em0
10.10.110/26 link#1 UC 0 0 em0 00:1b:0d:e6:58:40 UHLW 2 0 em0 1145
61.221.xx.yy/29 link#2 UC 0 0 em1
61.221.xx.yy 00:1b:0d:e6:57:c0 UHLW 2 0 em1 1055
61.221.xx/24 link#2 UC 0 0 em1 UH 0 0 lo0

The first two line displays default routes.

To just print IPv4 routing table, enter:
# netstat -4 -r -n

To just print IPv6 routing table, enter:
# netstat -6 -r -n

Task: FreeBSD Set a default route

All network packets that cannot be sent according to the previous entries of the routing table are sent through the following default gateway:
# route add default

How do I save routing information to a configuration file?

If you reboot FreeBSD box, the routing configuration will be lost i.e. the routing information will not persist. You need to edit /etc/rc.conf file to set defaultroute:
# vi /etc/rc.conf
Set default route by editing defaultrouter variable:
Save and close the file.

Task: Start and Stop FreeBSD Configured Interfaces

To apply changes to a configuration file, you need to stop and restart the corresponding FreeBSD networking interface. The following command will also update routing information:
# /etc/rc.d/netif restart
# /etc/rc.d/routing restart

# service netif restart
# service routing restart

How can I change or the default gateway from the FreeBSD CLI?

Use the following commands:
### [ delete the default route/gateway ] ###
# route del default
### [ now setup as the default gateway for my FreeBSD box ] ###
route add default

Verify it:
# netstat -r -n

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