

  1. you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project


git报错_you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project的更多相关文章

  1. 【错误解决】git报错:you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project

    场景回忆: 本地修改需要退回到之前的版本,打算强制push本地版本覆盖远程版本,但是在git push --force后出现了以下的错误: Fix GitLab error: "you ar ...

  2. Git you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project?

    error: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project....error: failed to pu ...

  3. you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project(转)

    .. 图 1-1 报错:failed to push some refs to 'http://*******.git'. 一痛瞎踅摸之后,远程控制电脑,在H电脑上,重新建立了一个test项目,之后走 ...

  4. remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project.

    "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" push --recurse-submodules=check --progress "origin ...

  5. git报错You are not allowed to force push code to a protected branch on this project

    当我们有时候回滚了代码,想强制push到远程仓库的时候, git push origin --force 会报如下错误: You are not allowed to force push code ...

  6. 报错:1130-host ... is not allowed to connect to this MySql server

    报错:1130-host ... is not allowed to connect to this MySql server   解决方法: 1. 改表法. 可能是你的帐号不允许从远程登陆,只能在l ...

  7. Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do(git报错解决方案)

    Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do(git报错解决方案) 今天向GitHub远程仓库提交本地项目文件时 ...

  8. git报错:'fatal:remote origin already exists

    git报错:'fatal:remote origin already exists'怎么处理?附上git常用操作以及说明.   git添加远程库的时候有可能出现如下的错误, 怎么解决? 只要两步: 1 ...

  9. Git报错 bad numeric config value '100000' for 'pack.windowmemory': out of range

    Git报错 bad numeric config value '10240M' for 'pack.windowmemory': out of range $ git config --edit -- ...


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