


    • 前言
    • 1.1 Super computer
    • 1.2 Mainframe
    • 1.3 Server
    • 1.4 Desktop PC
    • 1.5 Notebook or Laptop PC
    • 1.6 Game device
    • 1.7 Smart Phone
    • 1.8 Terminal
    • 2.1 Cluster
    • 2.2 Load balancing
    • 2.3 Cache
    • 2.4 BIOS
    • 2.5 System Bus
    • 3.1 GPU
    • 3.2 CPU
    • 3.3 System or Mother Board
    • 3.4 Power supply
    • 3.5 SDRAM
    • 3.6 Hard Drive
    • 3.7 Solid State Drive
    • 3.8 Computer Case
    • 3.9 Optical Disks
      • 3.9. 1 CD
      • 3.9.2 DVD
      • 3.9.3 Blu-ray
    • 4.1 Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, ExaByte
    • 4.2 Mega, Giga, TeraHertz
    • 4.3 R.P.M. (Hard drive)
    • 5.1 USB
    • 5.2 Firewire
    • 5.3 Thunderbolt
    • 5.4 HDMI
    • 5.5 DisplayPort
    • 6.1 Mouse
    • 6.2 Monitor
    • 6.3 Touch Screen
    • 6.4 Keyboard
    • 参考资料

1.1 Super computer


  • the world’s largest and fastest computers;
  • used for complex scientific calculations, provide researchers with insight into phenomena to observe in laboratories;
  • compare to a desktop computer: they both contain hard drives, memory, and processors. But their speed and memory sizes are different;
  • large number of processors, enormous disk storage, and substantial memory;
  • powerful and high speed.

1.2 Mainframe


  • Prior to the advent of the personal computer or PC, the minicomputer, and the microcomputer, the term “computer” simply referred to mainframes.
  • a large powerful and high-speed computer;
  • the centre of a network.
  • the central processing unit and primary memory of a computer.
  • supporting numerous workstations or peripherals(shared by many users or can be used by many people at the same time or thousands of individual users can log in simultaneously from a variety of sources or control many tasks being run by many users simultaneously);
  • can do very large or complicated tasks;
  • What differentiates the modern mainframe from these other classes of computers is the scope of the processing taking place. The typical mainframe today serves tens of thousands of users processing thousands of transactions every second while maintaining centralized terabyte -size databases. Even the mighty supercomputer, although unquestionably faster doing one thing at a time, is not up to this task.

1.3 Server


  • A system on a network that provides a service to other systems connected to the network.
  • The term was originally restricted to the case where both the server and the systems it served were on the same local area network, and where the server was likely to be expensive in comparison with the systems it served.
  • The term is now used much more generally, applying to systems where the server and the system to which it provides a service (the client) may be linked by a metropolitan area network or wide area network, and where the server may be much less costly than the client.

1.4 Desktop PC


  • An entire computer that sits on a desk or table.
  • It usually consists of: a display, either color or monochrome; a system box containing the processor, memory, disk drives, power supply, and communication interfaces; a keyboard; a pointing device, often a mouse.
  • Although the desktop computer is relatively cumbersome compared with a notebook computer of equivalent power, it currently has a significantly better power/performance ratio.
  • Part of a graphical user interface which invites the user to imagine that some or all of the screen is an actual desktop on which actions analogous to those occurring on a physical desktop can be carried out. These include the opening and closing of folders, the entry and modification of text, the disposal of unwanted material into a wastebasket, and the use of communication systems analogous to telephones and mailboxes. The analogy is supposed to make life easier for office workers unused to computers.

1.5 Notebook or Laptop PC


  • A computer about the size of a piece of A4 paper and a few cm thick with a hinge along the long side.
  • When opened up, a full-sized keyboard and monochrome or color LCD screen are revealed. Notebooks can have all the processing power and features of desktop computers.
  • To increase their flexibility the pointing device is often a trackerball embedded in the keyboard rather than a mouse, which requires a hard flat surface to operate successfully.

1.6 Game device


1.7 Smart Phone


  • A smart phone is a type of mobile phone that can perform many of the operations that a computer does, such as accessing the Internet.

1.8 Terminal


Generally, a terminal is a combination of keyboard and display screen.
A device that enables you to communicate with a computer.
In networking, a terminal is a personal computer or workstation
connected to a mainframe. The personal computer usually runs terminal
emulation software that makes the mainframe think it is like any other
mainframe terminal.
In VoIP terminology, a network endpoint which may provide audio only,
audio and video, audio and data, or audio, video, and data
communications with another terminal. The most common VoIP terminal is a

2.1 Cluster



2.2 Load balancing


For larger number of users, load balancing and server clustering techniques are unavoidable.

Acceleration: Understand the different load balancing algorithm options and content caching.

The pattern also includes policies for configuring dynamically scaled server provisioning, load balancing, and caching.

2.3 Cache



  • a part of a computer’s memory that stores copies of data that is often needed while a program is running;
  • used for temporary storage of data;
  • can be accessed more quickly than the main memory.

2.4 BIOS

基本输入输出系统 Basic Input Output System

  • BIOS is an acronym for basic input/output system(responsible for performing input and output operations when so directed)
  • the built-in software(firmware permanently resident in microcomputer systems)
  • determines what a computer can do without accessing programs from a disk
  • an important part of any computer system
  • On personal computers (PCs), the BIOS contains all the code required
    to control the keyboard, display screen, disk drives, serial
    communications, and a number of miscellaneous functions.
  • The BIOS is typically placed in a ROM chip that comes with the computer (it is often called a ROM BIOS).
    • This ensures that the BIOS will always be available and will not be damaged by disk failures.
    • It also makes it possible for a computer to boot itself.
  • RAM is faster than ROM, though, many computer manufacturers design
    systems so that the BIOS is copied from ROM to RAM each time the
    computer is booted. This is known as shadowing.
  • The BIOS is usually called from the operating system, but can be
    called directly from applications. Calling the BIOS directly can result
    in performance gains and loss of portability.
  • BIOS is typically stored in a flash memory device on the system’s
    motherboard. Most new computers have a BIOS that allows you to boot the
    machine using a DHCP server.
    Many modern PCs have a flash BIOS, which means that the BIOS has been
    recorded on a flash memory chip, which can be updated if necessary.

2.5 System Bus


  • works by combining the functions of the three main buses: namely,
    the data, address and control buses. Each of the three buses has its
    separate characteristics and responsibilities;
  • a pathway composed of cables and connectors used to carry data between a computer microprocessor and the main memory;
  • provides a communication path for the data and control signals moving between the major components of the computer system.

3.1 GPU

图形处理器 Graphics Processing Unit

图形处理器(英语:Graphics Processing Unit,缩写:GPU),又称显示核心、视觉处理器、显示芯片,是显卡的处理器,是一种专门在个人电脑、工作站、游戏机和一些移动设备(如平板电脑、智能手机等)上图像运算工作的微处理器。

3.2 CPU

中央处理器central processing unit

  • the part of a computer that controls all the other parts of the system;
  • processes all the data and makes the computer work.

3.3 System or Mother Board


  • a piece of computer hardware
  • the “backbone” of the PC(the “mother” that holds all the pieces
    together or serves to connect all of the parts of a computer together)
  • The CPU, memory, hard drives, and other ports and expansion cards all connect to the motherboard directly or via cables.

3.4 Power supply


  • Also called a power supply unit or PSU;
  • the component that supplies power to a computer.


同步动态随机存取内存 synchronous dynamic random-access memory

  • A type of DRAM that can run at much higher clock speeds than conventional memory.

  • SDRAM actually synchronizes itself with the CPU’s bus and is capable
    of running about three times faster than conventional FPM RAM, and about
    twice as fast EDO DRAM and BEDO DRAM. SDRAM is replacing EDO DRAM in
    many newer computers.

  • SDRAM是有一个同步接口的动态随机存取内存。通常DRAM是有一个异步接口的,这样它可以随时响应控制输入的变化。而SDRAM有一个同步接口,在响应控制输入前会等待一个时钟信号,这样就能和计算机的系统总线同步。时钟被用来驱动一个有限状态机,对进入的指令进行管线(Pipeline)操作。

  • DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory),即动态随机存取存储器,最为常见的系统内存。DRAM

  • RAM系统内存。是随机存取存储器 (random-access memory) 的缩写,它是系统临时存储程序指令和数据的主要区域。ram 中的每个位置均由一个称为内存地址的号码标识。关闭系统后,ram 中保存的任何数据均会丢失。

3.6 Hard Drive

硬盘驱动器 hard disk drive,HDD

  • A part of a computer
  • Reads data on a hard disk where you can store your entire CD collection.
  • Hard disk:
    • Rigid magnetic disk for storing computer programs and data. A
      built-in hard disk drive in a typical personal computer consists of a
      number of hard platters, coated with a magnetic material set on a common
      spindle. They are housed inside a sealed container, with a motor to
      spin the stack of platters, a head to write (record) and read (replay)
      each side of each platter, and associated electronic circuits. Hard disk
      capacity is continually being increased.

3.7 Solid State Drive


Comparison of the inside of a hard disk drive (HDD) versus a solid-state
drive (SSD), which has no moving parts for quieter and more reliable

3.8 Computer Case


3.9 Optical Disks

光盘(CD,DVD, Blu-ray)

  • A storage medium from which data is read and to which it is written by lasers.
  • Optical disks can store much more data than most portable magnetic media, such as floppies.
  • There are three basic types of optical disks:CD-ROM /WORM
    /erasable.These three technologies are not compatible with one another;
    each requires a different type of disk drive and disk. Even within one
    category, there are many competing formats, although CD-ROMs are
    relatively standardized.

3.9. 1 CD

3.9.2 DVD

3.9.3 Blu-ray


  • An HD-DVD format that uses blue-violet laser technology.
  • The rewritable Blu-ray disc, with a data transfer rate of 36Mbps,
    can hold up to 27GBof data on a single-sided single layer disc (compared
    to the traditional DVD 4.7GB capacity), which amounts to about 12 hours
    of standard video or more than 2 hours of high-definition video.

4.1 Mega, Giga, Tera, Peta, ExaByte

Mega 兆
In binary systems, mega stands for 2 to the 20th power, or 1,048,576.
One megabyte, therefore, is 1,048,576 bytes(this is equivalent to 1,024K)

Giga 千兆
When applied to computers, which use the binary notation system, giga
represents 2 to the 30th power, which is 1,073,741,824, a little more
than 1 billion. A gigabyte, therefore, is about 1.073 billion bytes.

2 to the 40th power (1,099,511,627,776) bytes. This is approximately 1 trillion bytes. Terabyte is abbreviated as TB.

Enterprise storage systems are starting to leave the terabyte behind,
moving into petabytes and toward the exabyte stage. A petabyte (PB) is
1015 bytes of data, 1,000 terabytes (TB) or 1,000,000 gigabytes (GB).

4.2 Mega, Giga, TeraHertz

Mega 兆
In decimal systems, the prefix mega means one million
One megabyte, therefore, is 1,000,000

Giga 千兆
When decimal notation is used, giga stands for 10 to the 9th power. For example, a gigavolt is 1,000,000,000 volts.

TeraHertz 兆赫

4.3 R.P.M. (Hard drive)


5.1 USB

Universal Serial Bus

  • An external bus standard that supports data transfer rates of 12 Mbps.
  • A single USB port can be used to connect peripheral devices, such as mice, modems, and keyboards.
  • USB also supports Plug-and-Play installation and hot plugging.

5.2 Firewire


  • Known as IEEE1394 and, on computers produced by Sony, as iLink.
  • A high-speed, general purpose serial bus supporting a chain of up to 63 devices.
  • Operating at a speed of up to 400Mbps it has, to a large degree, been overtaken by USB, which can operate at up to 480 Mbps.
  • Still the main system used for transfer of video between computers
    and digital camcorders and some external disk drives also use this

5.3 Thunderbolt


  • Designed to connect high-performance peripherals and HD video
    displays via a single port using two communications methods, or
    protocols, PCI Express for data transfer and DisplayPort for displays.
  • Data transfer rates provided by thunderbolt is 20 times faster than the USB 2.0 standard and 12 times faster than FireWire 800.
  • With Thunderbolt, you can also daisy-chain up to six devices,
    including a display, without the need for a hub, and also provides 10
    watts of power to peripherals.

5.4 HDMI

高清多媒体接口 High-Definition Multimedia Interface

  • The first industry-supported uncompressed, all-digital audio/video proprietary interface.
  • It is a single cable and user-friendly connector that replaces the maze of cabling behind the home entertainment center.
  • Provides an interface between any audio/video source, such as a
    set-top box, DVD player, or A/V receiver and an audio and/or video
    monitor, such as a digital television (DTV), over a single cable.
  • HDMI supports standard, enhanced, or high-definition video, plus multi-channel digital audio on a single cable.
  • It transmits all ATSC HDTV standards and supports 8-channel digital
    audio with bandwidth to spare to accommodate future enhancements and
  • HDMI was defined to carry 8 channels, of 192kHz, 24-bit uncompressed audio, which exceeds all current consumer media formats.
  • HDMI can carry any flavor of compressed audio format such as Dolby or DTS.
  • HDMI has the capacity to support existing high-definition video
    formats such as 720p, 1080i, and 1080p, along with support of enhanced
    definition formats like 480p, as well as standard definition formats
    such as NTSC or PAL.

5.5 DisplayPort


  • DisplayPort (DP) is an audio/video (A/V) display interface used to connect a video source to a display device.
  • You can connect a computer monitor to the PC using the DisplayPort.
  • DisplayPort primarily replaces older interface technologies, including VGA and DVI.
  • The interface is typically found on tablets, notebooks, and desktop
    computers and monitors. The display interface is also included on some
    digital televisions but is more often associated with devices related to
    computing and digital consumer electronics (CE).

6.1 Mouse


  • A device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen.
  • A small object you can roll along a hard, flat surface. Its name is
    derived from its shape, which looks a bit like a mouse, its connecting
    wire that one can imagine to be the mouse’s tail, and the fact that one
    must make it scurry along a surface. As you move the mouse, the pointer
    on the display screen moves in the same direction.

6.2 Monitor


a television screen used to show particular kinds of information; a screen that shows information from a computer。

6.3 Touch Screen


a computer screen which allows you to give instructions to the computer by touching areas on it.

6.4 Keyboard


A keyboard is defined as the
set of typewriter-like keys that enables you to enter data into a
computer or other devices. Computer keyboards are similar to
electric-typewriters but contain additional typing keys.


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