#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> typedef struct
unsigned int magic_number;
unsigned short version_major;
unsigned short version_minor;
unsigned int thiszone;
unsigned int sigfigs;
unsigned int snaplen;
unsigned int network;
}pcap_hdr_t; typedef struct
unsigned int ts_sec;
unsigned int ts_usec;
unsigned int incl_len;
unsigned int orig_len;
}pkt_hdr_t; FILE *pcap_fd = NULL;
unsigned char input_buf[] = {};
unsigned char output_buf[] ={};
int input_len = , output_len = ; int hexdump(unsigned char *name, unsigned char *data, unsigned short len)
int i, j, p, ret, tmp_len = ;
static unsigned char dump_buf[] = {};
printf("hexdump(%s len=%d)\r\n", name, len);
memset(dump_buf, 0x00, sizeof(dump_buf)); for (i = , j = , p = ; i < len; i++)
ret = sprintf( (dump_buf + p), " %02x", *(data + i) );
p += ret;
if(j >= )
printf("%s\r\n", dump_buf);
j = ;
p = ;
if(p > )
printf("%s\r\n", dump_buf);
return ;
} int file_size(FILE *fd)
int cur, len;
cur = ftell(fd);
fseek(fd, , SEEK_END);
len = ftell(fd);
fseek(fd,cur, SEEK_SET);
return len;
} int wpkt(unsigned char *buf, int size)
int ret;
ret = fwrite(buf, size, , pcap_fd);
if(ret != )
printf("fwrite %d %d err \n", size, ret);
return ;
} int pcap_deinit(void)
return ;
} int eth_pcap(unsigned char *pkt, int len)
pkt_hdr_t pkt_hdr = {}; pkt_hdr.incl_len = pkt_hdr.orig_len = len;
wpkt((unsigned char *)(&pkt_hdr), sizeof(pkt_hdr));
wpkt(pkt, len);
return ;
} int pcap_init(int pkt_type, unsigned char *file)
pcap_hdr_t pcap = {}; pcap_fd = fopen(file, "wb+");
if(NULL == pcap_fd)
printf("create %s err\n", file);
return -;
printf("create %s file\r\n", file);
pcap.magic_number = 0xa1b2c3d4;
pcap.snaplen = 0x900;
pcap.version_major = ;
pcap.version_minor = ;
pcap.network = pkt_type;//105,1
wpkt((unsigned char *)(&pcap), sizeof(pcap));
return ;
} int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *fd;
unsigned char ch, *token, *delim = " ,";
int i, ret,pkt_type; argc--;
/*hex2pkt -mac -i frame.hex -o mac.pcap*/
if( == strcmp(argv[], "-eth"))
pkt_type = ;
else if( == strcmp(argv[], "-mac"))
pkt_type = ;
else if( == strcmp(argv[], "-i"))
fd = fopen(argv[], "rb");
printf("-i %s\r\n", argv[]);
input_len = file_size(fd);
ret = fread( input_buf, input_len, , fd );
if( != ret)
printf("fread err ret %d\r\n", ret);
printf("input_buf(len=%d):\r\n%s\r\n", input_len, input_buf);
else if( == strcmp(argv[], "-o"))
for( token = strtok(input_buf, delim), output_len=; token != NULL; token = strtok(NULL, delim) )
sscanf(token, "%x", &output_buf[output_len++]);
hexdump("output", output_buf, output_len);
pcap_init(pkt_type, argv[]);
eth_pcap(output_buf, output_len);
printf("unknow cmd %s\r\n", argv[]);
while(argc); return ;


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