原本不支持 IQueryable 主要出于使用习惯的考虑,编写代码的智能总会提示出现一堆你不想使用的方法(对不起,我有强迫症),IQueryable 自身提供了一堆没法实现的方法,还有外部入侵的扩展方法,严重影响编码体验。如下图:

v1.4.0+ 版本请使用以下命令安装(老版本不需要安装):

dotnet add package FreeSql.Extensions.Linq


  • 请尽量不要在 ISelect 模式下的使用 Linq 方法:GroupJoin、Select、SelectMany、Join、DefaultIfEmpty;

  • 如果一定要在 ISelect 中使用 .Select() 方法,请务必在 .ToList() 之前调用它;


FreeSql 提供强大的数据查询对象 ISelect。

FreeSql.Extensions.Linq v1.4.0+ 实现了 IQueryable 查询对象常用功能,以便在各框架中交互使用。

//将 ISelect 转为 IQueryable
IQueryable<Student> queryable = fsql.Select<Student>().AsQueryable(); //Linq 方法查询
var t1 = queryable.Where(a => a.id == 1).FirstOrDefault(); //将 IQueryable 还原为 ISelect
ISelect<Studeng> select = queryable.RestoreToSelect();

注意:IQueryable 的实现目前不支持 GroupBy,可以考虑使用 RestoreSelect 方法转回 ISelect 进行查询


var t1 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
where a.id == item.id
select a


var t1 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
where a.id == item.id
select new { a.id }


var t1 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
where a.id == item.id
select new {
testsub = new {
time = a.age > 10 ? "大于" : "小于或等于"


var t1 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId
select a
).ToList(); var t2 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId
select new { a.id, bid = b.id }
).ToList(); var t3 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId
where a.id == item.id
select new { a.id, bid = b.id }


var t1 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into temp
from tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
select a
).ToList(); var t2 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into temp
from tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { a.id, bid = tc.id }
).ToList(); var t3 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
join b in fsql.Select<School>() on a.id equals b.StudentId into temp
from tc in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
where a.id == item.id
select new { a.id, bid = tc.id }


var t1 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
from b in fsql.Select<School>()
where a.id == b.StudentId
select a
).ToList(); var t2 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
from b in fsql.Select<School>()
where a.id == b.StudentId
select new { a.id, bid = b.id }
).ToList(); var t3 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
from b in fsql.Select<School>()
where a.id == b.StudentId
where a.id == item.id
select new { a.id, bid = b.id }


var t1 = (
from a in fsql.Select<Student>()
where a.id == item.id
group a by new {a.id, a.name } into g
select new {
g.Key.id, g.Key.name,
cou = g.Count(),
avg = g.Avg(g.Value.age),
sum = g.Sum(g.Value.age),
max = g.Max(g.Value.age),
min = g.Min(g.Value.age)


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