[转]15 个顶级 HTML5 游戏引擎
1) HTML5 Game Engine
Construct 2 is a leading high quality HTML5 game engine. Tens of thousands of HTML5 game developers are choosing Construct 2 to make HTML5 games.
2) Clanfx
clanfx is a 2D, tile-based Javascript game engine developed using Javascript and CSS. It currently works in Firefox, Epiphany and Opera browsers. Features include many animated sprites, spell effects, buildings, tiles/textures and basic game AI.
3) Crafty js
4) CSS Game Engine
This is a free game engine developed for programming browser based games. It uses the Javascript language and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to dress up the page. They run pretty reliably together. Use this engine to create your own game.
5) Effect Games
Effect Games provides a suite of developer tools for creating and publishing web-based video games. The software is free, and includes an asset manager, level editor, sprite manager, environment editor, and publishing tools.
6) Entity js
Entity is an awsome all new javascript game engine. It focuses on flexibility, reusability and robustness. To make this happen Entity utilizies the, entity-component design where all logic is implemented in components and entities are created from adding or removing components.
7) Flash js
FlashJS was born at the crossroad of HTML / CSS and beautiful Flash objective model that is known by many interactive developers and fits great for game development. This library allows to develop HTML5 games and applications in the way that is similar to ordinary AS3 development.
8 ) Game Query js
gameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. It’s still in an early stage of development and may change a lot in future versions.
9) Gamma js
Gamma is a new Javascript library which can be used to create 2.5D platform games for a web browser using the power of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and WebGL.
10) Geom
Geom is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop HTML5 Games in no time. Games created with Geom require no browser plugins or any software installations and work with old browsers that support only the Javascript.
11) Impact js
Impact is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop stunning HTML5 Games for desktop and mobile browsers.
12) Isogenic Engine
The Isogenic Engine is a modern web-based game engine that allows you to rapidly develop your next single or multiplayer game for the web. Isogenic does not require any browser plugins which means players can run your game without Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight, straight from their web browser.
13) Jaws js
Jaws is a 2D game lib powered by HTML5. It started out only doing canvas but is now also supporting ordinary DOM based sprites through the same API.
14) GMP
GMP is great for making sprite-based, 2-D games, and it can easily power most retro-style arcade game designs. It is also well suited to making puzzles such as sudoku or gogopop.
15) Ingenio JS
ingenioJS is a JavaScript / HTML5 game engine. Its structure allows independent rendering methods, such as WebGL, Canvas or DOM Elements.
转自: http://webinsightlab.com/technology/15-best-html5-game-engines/
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