About the Storage allocation
It doesn't matter what programming language u use,it's all about the usage of variable---storage management.
1.Static & Dynamic
static: Global constants and the other information/data generated by compiler are allocated static storage. Static storage is built before any execution,and they would stay in memory throughout execution.
Advantage: use for public /global generally; instance object with the same class share static data/function
Disadvantage:can't be changed(lack of flexibility);static function can't manipulate non-static variables
dynamic: storage can be allocated when program is ruuning.
Within programming, if u need to get any storage,u can "new"/"malloc",but at the end of program,u have better "delete"/"free" these storage,only in this way could the program be secure(e.g. no memory leak). From above,we would know that the size of heap can't be detemined by one time generally.
advantage:dynamic storage management
disvadvantage:unsecure(forget to "delete /free"),ineffiency
Any information about local variables,parameters,state,etc. are allocated space on a stack,the same to heap ,its size can't be determined by compile time
advantage: support the recursion
disadvantage: inffiency(indirect addressing)
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