Annotation Order:

It's considered good practice to dependency inject Angular's providers in before our own custom ones.


// randomly ordered dependencies
function SomeCtrl (MyService, $scope, AnotherService, $rootScope) { }


// ordered Angular -> custom
function SomeCtrl ($scope, $rootScope, MyService, AnotherService) { }
Minification methods, automate it

Use ng-annotate for automated dependency injection annotation, as ng-min is deprecated.

With our function declarations outside of the module references, we need to use the @ngInject comment to explicitly tell ng-annotate where to inject our dependencies. This method uses $inject which is faster than the Array syntax.

Manually specifiying the dependency injection arrays costs too much time.


function SomeService ($scope) {

// manually declaring is time wasting
SomeService.$inject = ['$scope'];
.factory('SomeService', SomeService);


// Using the ng-annotate keyword @ngInject to instruct things that need annotating:

* @ngInject
function SomeService ($scope) { }
.factory('SomeService', SomeService);

Will produce:

* @ngInject
function SomeService ($scope) { }
// automated
SomeService.$inject = ['$scope'];
.factory('SomeService', SomeService);

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