
点击VMware的 setting -> vmware tools install

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom
里面有一个vmware tools的tar包,解压执行vmware-tools-install.pl脚本(双击打开,选择  在终端中运行),一路回车,一般没有问题。

点击Edit->Virtual Machine Settigns->Option->SharedFolders

勾选Always Enable


选定 “Enable this share”, 确定以后,vmware会把这个文件夹自动mount到/mnt/hgfs目录下。



    1. Create a folder in your Windows file system that you want to use as the share. Make sure it’s in a location where your user account has full access rights. I’ve created one in My Documents as it will also be backed up by my Mozy Home account
    2. Power down the VM shutting down Ubuntu
    3. Select your VM in VMware Player and click Edit virtual machine settings
    4. In the Options tab click Shared Folders in the left hand pane
    5. Click Always enabled in the right and pane and click Add…
    6. This will take you into the “Add Shared Folder Wizard”
    7. Click Next and follow the prompts selecting the folder you created in Step 1
    8. Also name the share – this is the name that the folder will have in Ubuntu
    9. You will come back to the Settings screen with your share added
    10. Click OK to close the settings
    11. Play the VM to boot Ubuntu
    12. Shared folders in Ubuntu appear in the location /mnt/hgfs but you probably won’t be able to see it
    13. To check to see if Ubuntu is aware that there is a shared folder available run this command in a terminal window
    14. This will output the share name into the terminal window, e.g.

    15. So far so good! Now we need to run the VMWare config tools. In terminal enter
    16. Follow the prompts, accepting the default values
    17. Check to see that your folder is now showing in the /mnt/hgfs directory
      $ dir /mnt/hgfs

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