
This script assumes you have Java JDK 1.6+ (set as JAVA_HOME), and Ant 1.7+ installed. If you don't, use the following links to download and install them:



Downloading the Installer

First of all, you need to download the installer and unzip it to your local file system. There are two versions

  • full installer - which already contains a lot of the dependencies that are necessary during the installation
  • minimal installer - which only contains the installer and will download all dependencies

In general, it is probably best to download the full installer: jBPM-{version}

You can also find the latest snapshot release here (only minimal installer) here:

Demo Setup

The easiest way to get started is to simply run the installation script to install the demo setup. The demo install will setup all the web tooling (on top of WildFly) and Eclipse tooling in a pre-configured setup. Go into the jbpm-installer folder where you unzipped the installer and (from a command prompt) run:

ant install.demo

This will:

  • Download WildFly application server
  • Configure and deploy the web tooling
  • Download Eclipse
  • Install the Drools and jBPM Eclipse plugin
  • Install the Eclipse BPMN 2.0 Modeler

Running this command could take a while (REALLY, not kidding, we are for example downloading an Eclipse installation, even if you downloaded the full installer, specifically for your operating system).

Once the demo setup has finished, you can start playing with the various components by starting the demo setup:

ant start.demo

This will:

  • Start H2 database server
  • Start WildFly application server
  • Start Eclipse

Now wait until the process management console comes up:

http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console (Log in, using krisv / krisv as username / password.)


It could take a minute to start up the application server and web application. If the web page doesn't show up after a while, make sure you don't have a firewall blocking that port, or another application already using the port 8080. You can always take a look at the server log jbpm-installer/wildfly-8.1.0.Final/standalone/log/server.log

Finally, if you also want to use the DashBuilder for reporting (which is implemented as a separate war), you can now also install this:

ant install.dashboard.into.jboss

Once everything is started, you can start playing with the Eclipse and web tooling, as explained in the following sections.

If you only want to try out the web tooling and do not wish to download and install the Eclipse tooling, you can use these alternative commands:

ant install.demo.noeclipse
ant start.demo.noeclipse

Similarly, if you only want to try out the Eclipse tooling and do not wish to download and install the web tooling, you can use these alternative commands:

ant install.demo.eclipse
ant start.demo.eclipse

Now continue with the 10-minute tutorials. Once you're done playing and you want to shut down the demo setup, you can use:

ant stop.demo

If at any point in time would like to start over with a clean demo setup - meaning all changes you did inside the web tooling and/or saved in the database will be lost, you can run the following command (after which you can run the installer again from scratch, note that this cannot be undone):

ant clean.demo

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