perl encode_utf8必须用在utf8环境
- [root@wx03 mojo]# cat
- use Mojolicious::Lite;
- use JSON qw/encode_json decode_json/;
- use Encode;
- no strict;
- use JSON;
- use Data::Dumper;
- # /foo?user=sri
- get '/admin/api/menu' => sub {
- my $c = shift;
- print "测试更健康\n";
- open (LOG1 ,"<",'/data01/applog_backup/zj-api01-catalina.out') or die $!;
- while (<LOG1>) {
- my $phone='18072722237';
- #2016-03-09 09:35:12,380 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为132435,本验证码5分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
- if ( ($phone) and ($_ =~/$phone/) and ($_ =~/SMSUtils/) ){$str=$_;
- my $x='验证';
- print "\$x is $x\n";
- my $d=encode_utf8('验证');
- print "\$d is $d\n";
- print "1-------\$str is $str\n";
- next if ($str !~ /$d/);
- print "2--------\$str is $str\n";
- #push (@arr1 ,decode_utf8($str));
- push (@arr1 ,$str);
- }};
- close LOG1;
- $c->render(json => \@arr1 );
- };
- app->start;
- [root@wx03 mojo]# morbo
- Server available at
- Wide character in print at /root/mojo/ line 10.
- 测试更健康
- Wide character in print at /root/mojo/ line 19, <LOG1> line 1.
- $x is 验证
- $d is 验证
- 1-------$str is 2016-04-22 11:02:01,259 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为813231,本验证码30分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
- 2--------$str is 2016-04-22 11:02:01,259 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的验证码为813231,本验证码30分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
- Wide character in print at /root/mojo/ line 19, <LOG1> line 3.
- $x is 验证
- $d is 验证
- 1-------$str is 2016-04-22 11:02:01,259 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的813231,本30分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
- Wide character in print at /root/mojo/ line 19, <LOG1> line 4.
- $x is 验证
- $d is 验证
- 1-------$str is 2016-04-22 11:02:01,259 INFO com.zjzc.thirdparty.sms.SMSUtils - Send message:您的813231,本30分钟内有效。 to phoneNo:18072722237 succeed!
- 此时$d和$x都正常显示
- [root@wx03 mojo]# cat
- use Encode;
- my $x='验证';
- print "\$x is $x\n";
- my $d=encode_utf8('验证');
- print "\$d is $d\n";
- [root@wx03 mojo]# perl
- $x is 验证
- $d is éªè¯
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