


 1 #ifndef WINDOW_H
2 #define WINDOW_H
4 #include<QDialog>
5 class QComboBox;
6 class QDir;
7 class QLabel;
8 class QPushButton;
9 class QTableWidget;
11 class Window:public QDialog
12 {
14 public:
15 Window(QWidget *parent=0);
16 private slots:
17 void browse();
18 void find();
19 private:
20 QStringList findFiles(const QDir &directory,const QStringList &files,
21 const QString &text);
22 void showFiles(const QDir &directory,const QStringList &files);
23 QPushButton *createButton(const QString &text,const char *member);
24 QComboBox *createComboBox(const QString &text = QString());
25 void createFilesTable();
26 QComboBox *fileComboBox;
27 QComboBox *textComboBox;
28 QComboBox *directoryComboBox;
29 QLabel *fileLabel;
30 QLabel *textLabel;
31 QLabel *directoryLabel;
32 QLabel *filesFoundLabel;
33 QPushButton *browseButton;
34 QPushButton *findButton;
35 QTableWidget *filesTable;
36 };
38 #endif
  1 #include <QtGui>
2 #include "window.h"
3 Window::Window(QWidget *parent)
4 : QDialog(parent)
5 {
6 browseButton = createButton(tr("&Browse..."),SLOT(browse()));
7 findButton = createButton(tr("&Find"),SLOT(find()));
8 fileComboBox = createComboBox(tr("*"));
9 textComboBox = createComboBox();
10 directoryComboBox = createComboBox(QDir::currentPath());
11 fileLabel = new QLabel(tr("Named:"));
12 textLabel = new QLabel(tr("Containing text:"));
13 directoryLabel = new QLabel(tr("In directory:"));
14 filesFoundLabel = new QLabel;
15 createFilesTable();
16 QHBoxLayout *buttonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
17 buttonsLayout->addStretch();
18 buttonsLayout->addWidget(findButton);
19 QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout;
20 mainLayout->addWidget(fileLabel,0,0);
21 mainLayout->addWidget(fileComboBox,0,1,1,2);
22 mainLayout->addWidget(textLabel,1,0);
23 mainLayout->addWidget(textComboBox,1,1,1,2);
24 mainLayout->addWidget(directoryLabel,2,0);
25 mainLayout->addWidget(directoryComboBox,2,1);
26 mainLayout->addWidget(browseButton,2,2);
27 mainLayout->addWidget(filesTable,3,0,1,3);
28 mainLayout->addWidget(filesFoundLabel,4,0);
29 mainLayout->addLayout(buttonsLayout,5,0,1,3);
30 setLayout(mainLayout);
31 setWindowTitle(tr("Find Files"));
32 resize(700,300);
33 }
34 void Window::browse()
35 {
36 QString directory = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
37 QObject::tr("Find Files"),QDir::currentPath());
38 if (!directory.isEmpty()) {
39 directoryComboBox->addItem(directory);
40 directoryComboBox->setCurrentIndex(directoryComboBox->currentIndex() + 1);
41 }
42 }
43 void Window::find()
44 {
45 filesTable->setRowCount(0);
46 QString fileName = fileComboBox->currentText();
47 QString text = textComboBox->currentText();
48 QString path = directoryComboBox->currentText();
49 QDir directory = QDir(path);
50 QStringList files;
51 if (fileName.isEmpty()) fileName = "*";
52 files = directory.entryList(QStringList(fileName),
53 QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks);
54 if (!text.isEmpty())
55 files = findFiles(directory,files,text);
56 showFiles(directory,files);
57 }
58 QStringList Window::findFiles(const QDir &directory,const QStringList &files,
59 const QString &text)
60 {
61 QProgressDialog progressDialog(this);
62 progressDialog.setCancelButtonText(tr("&Cancel"));
63 progressDialog.setRange(0,files.size());
64 progressDialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Find Files"));
65 QStringList foundFiles;
66 for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
67 progressDialog.setValue(i);
68 progressDialog.setLabelText(tr("Searching file number %1 of %2...")
69 .arg(i).arg(files.size()));
70 qApp->processEvents();
71 if (progressDialog.wasCanceled()) break;
72 QFile file(directory.absoluteFilePath(files[i]));
73 if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
74 QString line;
75 QTextStream in(&file);
77 while (!in.atEnd()) {
78 if (progressDialog.wasCanceled()) break;
79 line = in.readLine();
80 if (line.contains(text)) {
81 foundFiles << files[i];
82 break;
83 }
84 }
85 }
86 }
87 return foundFiles;
88 }
89 void Window::showFiles(const QDir &directory,const QStringList &files)
90 {
91 for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
92 QFile file(directory.absoluteFilePath(files[i]));
93 qint64 size = QFileInfo(file).size();
94 QTableWidgetItem *fileNameItem = new QTableWidgetItem(files[i]);
95 fileNameItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
96 QTableWidgetItem *sizeItem = new QTableWidgetItem(tr("%1 KB")
97 .arg(int((size + 1023) / 1024)));
98 sizeItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
99 sizeItem->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
100 int row = filesTable->rowCount();
101 filesTable->insertRow(row);
102 filesTable->setItem(row,0,fileNameItem);
103 filesTable->setItem(row,1,sizeItem);
104 }
105 filesFoundLabel->setText(tr("%1 file(s) found").arg(files.size()));
106 }
107 QPushButton *Window::createButton(const QString &text,const char *member)
108 {
109 QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(text);
110 connect(button,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,member);
111 return button;
112 }
113 QComboBox *Window::createComboBox(const QString &text)
114 {
115 QComboBox *comboBox = new QComboBox;
116 comboBox->setEditable(true);
117 comboBox->addItem(text);
118 comboBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Preferred);
119 return comboBox;
120 }
121 void Window::createFilesTable()
122 {
123 filesTable = new QTableWidget(0,2);
124 QStringList labels;
125 labels << tr("File Name") << tr("Size");
126 filesTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels);
127 filesTable->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(0,QHeaderView::Stretch);
128 filesTable->verticalHeader()->hide();
129 filesTable->setShowGrid(false);
130 }
 1 #include "window.h"
2 #include <QApplication>
4  int main(int argc,char *argv[])
5 {
6 QApplication app(argc,argv);
7 Window window;
8 window.show();
9 return app.exec();
10 }


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