In this Document

  Questions and Answers
  How can users request a password reset?
  How does the Forgot your Password functionality work?
  How to implement the Forgot Password Reset Functionality?
  What is the workflow process that resets the user application password?
  Conditions For Sending Password Reset Email Notifications
  How to Add Login Assistance to the Login Homepage?
  Workflow Information Center, Diagnostics, & Community


Oracle User Management - Version to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 15-JUL-2012


This FAQ document identifies the most frequently reported how-to questions relating to the Forgot your Password functionality provided by Oracle User Management.


How can users request a password reset?

From the applications login page, accessing link Forgot your password.

How does the Forgot your Password functionality work?

a. A user access the apps log in page.
b. Select TIP Forgot your password? link.
c. A web page asks for the user name
d. A new web page says:

Your request for a new password is being processed.
An email has been sent to the email address on file. Contact the system
administrator if you do not receive your password within the next few hours.

e. A workflow process is started. UMXUPWD is the item type
f. Requester receives an workflow e-mail which subject is 'Password reset requires approval.' Its message internal name is MSG_APPROVE_PASSWORDRESET.
g. The requester needs to respond the notification via e-mail. This means the notification look and feel should display links to Approve or Reject. This notification has set a timeout, the user should respond to the notification before that timeout. Otherwise, the reset password is terminated, not resetting the password.
The notification has a message like this:

A request has been received to reset your password. If you have requested your password to be reset, please approve this notification. If you do not wish to have your password reset, please reject or ignore this notification and it will expire in 4 hours.

The notification also has links to respond Approving or Rejecting the password reset request.
h. The workflow java mailer receives, reads and process the response.
i.  The User management workflow process changes the password to a automatically generated password and sends back an e-mail notification informing the new password.
j. The users can now use the new password to access the EBS.
k. The EBS requires the user to set his password again.

How to implement the Forgot Password Reset Functionality?

In order to enable this functionality please perform this setup:

a. Set 'Local Login Mask' profile option at site level to include the Forgot Password 
URL in the login page. For the Login page to display this link the profile option 
should include value FORGOT_PASSWORD_URL = 08. All the options you can set for the 
login page are:


Example, set the Local Login Mask to 40 to display the Forgot Password link and the 
language images in the login page (08 + 32).  Bounce the apache server to pick up the changes.

NOTE:  The profile option Local Login Mask is obsoleted in R12.1, and to make changes to the login page, the user will have to use the Personalizations feature.

b. Apply latest ATG patch and its pre-requisites. At the moment this note is written, 
the latest ATG patch is Patch 4676589 11i.ATG_PF.H.RUP4.
If your instance has applied patch 4125550 - 11.5.10 CU2 for ATG Product family, you could also apply Patch 4737715. Patch 4737715 is included in Patch 4676589 11i.ATG_PF.H.RUP4.

Other important things to consider are:

  1. Workflow Java Mailer  must be configured and running for both OUTBOUND and INBOUND functionalities.
  2. The user requesting the password reset needs to have notification preference set to a value that allows workflow to send him notifications.

What is the workflow process that resets the user application password?

Reset Password, internal item type is UMXUPWD.  This process enables the ability for re-setting application passwords.

Conditions For Sending Password Reset Email Notifications

1. A user is not related to any employee:

The email will be sent to the email address which is defined in user define form (email_address in table fnd_user).

2. A user related to an employee, but did not change their email address in the user define form (fnd_user has same email address with employee email address):

The email will be sent to the employee email address.

3. A user related to an employee, but changed the email address in user define form (fnd_user has different email address with employee email address)

The email will be sent to the employee email address.

4. A user related to an employee, but the employee email is null, then put email in user define form.

The email will then be sent to the email address that's defined in user define form.

5. A user related to an employee, but the employee email is null and put a email address in user define form. Then set another email address for this employee in HR employee form.

The email will be sent to the employee email address that was updated in HR employee form.

As a summary, the reset password engine chooses the employee email address as priority. If the email address cannot be retrieved from the employee information, the reset password engine will choose the email addresses defined in user define form.

How to Add Login Assistance to the Login Homepage?

1. Logon with the Functional Administrator responsibility.
2. Click on 'Personalization' Tab.
3. Enter: /oracle/apps/fnd/sso/login/webui in document path and click on 'Go' button.
4. Click on the 'Pencil' icon under 'Personalize Page' for oracle/apps/fnd/sso/login/webui/MainLoginPG.
5. Make sure that 'Include' for Site is checked and click on 'apply'.
6. Look for (LoginRN.MainLoginRN.ForgotPasswordUrlRowLayoutRN1) and click on 'Pencil' icon in the 'Personalize' column.
7. Change 'rendered' property value to 'true' at Site level from LOV and click on Apply.

After performing above, one should see the 'Login Assistance' line when going to the login homepage.

How to Disable Login Assistance Link In R12? (Document 735964.1)

Workflow Information Center, Diagnostics, & Community

  • Please reference the Workflow Product Information Center Document for Top Workflow Resources: Document 1320509.1
  • For additional help, please refer to one of the following documents on diagnostics to address current needs. Providing diagnostic output on an issue for support when logging a service request is very helpful.

    Document 179661.1 for 11i or Document 421245.1 for Rel 12.x


NOTE:1186338.1 - R11i / R12 : EBS Technology area - Webcasts delivered by Support and Development
NOTE:1320509.1 - E-Business Suite 11i / R12: Oracle Workflow (WF) Product Information Center (PIC)
NOTE:179661.1 - E-Business Suite Diagnostics 11i Test Catalog
NOTE:421245.1 - E-Business Suite Diagnostics References for R12
NOTE:741459.1 - Tips For Personalizing The E-Business Suite R12 Login Page (MainLoginPG)

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