Testing shell commands from Python
Use cases
For the Netherlands eScience Center Python package template, I wanted tests to verify that the generated package can be installed, that the tests can be run, and that the documentation can be generated without errors. My Python text processing package nlppln contains CWL specifications of text mining tools, that can be validated by running them using a command line tool called cwltool
. Another use case would be testing your package’s console scripts(although in this case it might be more convenient to use a package for creating command line interfaces that comes with built-in testing functionality, such as Click).
The sh package
You can run shell commands from Python using the subprocess module from the Python standard library. However, using this module is a hassle, because you have to do all the error handling yourself. Sh is a Python package that takes care of all that and allows you to run shell commands using a single line of code. If you want to run python setup.py install
, all you have to do is:
import sh
sh.python(['setup.py', 'install'])
If you want to run foo
and it is installed on your system, you can just do sh.foo()
Writing a test
So how can we use this for testing? Let’s look at an example. For the Python template, I want to test whether a project generated from the cookiecuttertemplate can be installed without errors. The goal of the template is to help users write high quality code with less effort, and having an installable empty project is a good first step. The code for the test that tests the installation is:
import pytest
import os
import sh
def test_install(cookies):
# generate a temporary project using the cookiecutter
# cookies fixture
project = cookies.bake()
# remember the directory where tests should be run from
cwd = os.getcwd()
# change directories to the generated project directory
# (the installation command must be run from here)
# run the shell command
sh.python(['setup.py', 'install'])
except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e:
# print the error, so we know what went wrong
# make sure the test fails
# always change directories to the test directory
That is all there is to it!
More examples
Of course there is a lot more you can do, e.g., checking whether files existafter running a shell command, or verifying the contents of generated files. What use cases can you come up with?
On Windows: use subprocess
Sh does not work on Windows. If you need to test shell commands on Windows, you are stuck with subprocess. Provenance tracking package recipycontains some nice examples of tests using subprocess that might help you on your way.
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