


  Func可以接受0个至16个传入参数,必须具有返回值 用于泛型

  Action可以接受0个至16个传入参数,无返回值        用于泛型

  Predicate只能接受一个传入参数,返回值为bool类型 用于泛型

default(T)   针对泛型默认值的初始化处理。 当T不确认是值类型或引用类型时,他的默认值会给我们造成困扰。既可以是NULL又可能是0。当使用default(T)处理后T temp = default(T);



namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Test with a non-empty list of integers.
GenericList<int> gll = new GenericList<int>();
int intVal = gll.GetLast();
// The following line displays 5. 结果将返回5
System.Console.WriteLine(intVal); // Test with an empty list of integers.用空值进行测试
GenericList<int> gll2 = new GenericList<int>();
intVal = gll2.GetLast();
// The following line displays 0. 结果返回0
System.Console.WriteLine(intVal); // Test with a non-empty list of strings.
GenericList<string> gll3 = new GenericList<string>();
string sVal = gll3.GetLast();
// The following line displays five.
System.Console.WriteLine(sVal); // Test with an empty list of strings.
GenericList<string> gll4 = new GenericList<string>();
sVal = gll4.GetLast();
// The following line displays a blank line.
} // T is the type of data stored in a particular instance of GenericList.
public class GenericList<T>
private class Node
// Each node has a reference to the next node in the list.
public Node Next;
// Each node holds a value of type T.
public T Data;
} // The list is initially empty.
private Node head = null; // Add a node at the beginning of the list with t as its data value.
public void AddNode(T t)
Node newNode = new Node();
newNode.Next = head;
newNode.Data = t;
head = newNode;
} // The following method returns the data value stored in the last node in
// the list. If the list is empty, the default value for type T is
// returned.
public T GetLast()
// The value of temp is returned as the value of the method.
// The following declaration initializes temp to the appropriate
// default value for type T. The default value is returned if the
// list is empty.
T temp = default(T); Node current = head;
while (current != null)
temp = current.Data;
current = current.Next;
return temp;

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