STL sort
STL的sort()算法,数据量大时采用Quick Sort,分段递归排序,一旦分段后的数据量小于某个门槛,为避免Quick Sort的递归调用带来过大的额外负荷,就改用Insertion Sort。如果递归层次过深,还会改用Heap Sort。本文先分别介绍这个三个Sort,再整合分析STL sort算法(以上三种算法的综合) -- Introspective Sorting(内省式排序)。
一、Insertion Sort
- Insertion Sort
- // 默认以渐增方式排序
- template <class RandomAccessIterator>
- void __insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last)
- {
- if (first == last) return;
- // --- insertion sort 外循环 ---
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = first + 1; i != last; ++i)
- __linear_insert(first, i, value_type(first));
- // 以上,[first,i) 形成一个子区间
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
- inline void __linear_insert(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*)
- {
- T value = *last; // 记录尾元素
- if (value < *first){ // 尾比头还小 (注意,头端必为最小元素)
- copy_backward(first, last, last + 1); // 将整个区间向右移一个位置
- *first = value; // 令头元素等于原先的尾元素值
- }
- else // 尾不小于头
- __unguarded_linear_insert(last, value);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
- void __unguarded_linear_insert(RandomAccessIterator last, T value)
- {
- RandomAccessIterator next = last;
- --next;
- // --- insertion sort 内循环 ---
- // 注意,一旦不再出现逆转对(inversion),循环就可以结束了
- while (value < *next){ // 逆转对(inversion)存在
- *last = *next; // 调整
- last = next; // 调整迭代器
- --next; // 左移一个位置
- }
- *last = value; // value 的正确落脚处
- }
二、Quick Sort
- Quick Sort
- // 返回 a,b,c之居中者
- template <class T>
- inline const T& __median(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c)
- {
- if (a < b)
- if (b < c) // a < b < c
- return b;
- else if (a < c) // a < b, b >= c, a < c --> a < b <= c
- return c;
- else // a < b, b >= c, a >= c --> c <= a < b
- return a;
- else if (a < c) // c > a >= b
- return a;
- else if (b < c) // a >= b, a >= c, b < c --> b < c <= a
- return c;
- else // a >= b, a >= c, b >= c --> c<= b <= a
- return b;
- }
- Partitioning
- template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
- RandomAccessIterator __unguarded_partition(
- RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- T pivot)
- {
- while(true){
- while (*first < pivot) ++first; // first 找到 >= pivot的元素就停
- --last;
- while (pivot < *last) --last; // last 找到 <=pivot
- if (!(first < last)) return first; // 交错,结束循环
- // else
- iter_swap(first,last); // 大小值交换
- ++first; // 调整
- }
- }
三、Heap Sort
- Heap Sort
- // paitial_sort的任务是找出middle - first个最小元素。
- template <class RandomAccessIterator>
- inline void partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator middle,
- RandomAccessIterator last)
- {
- __partial_sort(first, middle, last, value_type(first));
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIterator,class T>
- inline void __partial_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator middle,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*)
- {
- make_heap(first, middle); // 默认是max-heap,即root是最大的
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = middle; i < last; ++i)
- if (*i < *first)
- __pop_heap(first, middle, i, T(*i), distance_type(first));
- sort_heap(first,middle);
- }
- Intro Sort
- template <class RandomAccessIterator>
- inline void sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last)
- {
- if (first != last){
- __introsort_loop(first, last, value_type(first), __lg(last-first)*2);
- __final_insertion_sort(first,last);
- }
- }
- // __lg()用来控制分割恶化的情况
- // 找出2^k <= n 的最大值,例:n=7得k=2; n=20得k=4
- template<class Size>
- inline Size __lg(Size n)
- {
- Size k;
- for (k = 0; n > 1; n >>= 1)
- ++k;
- return k;
- }
- // 当元素个数为40时,__introsort_loop的最后一个参数
- // 即__lg(last-first)*2是5*2,意思是最多允许分割10层。
- const int __stl_threshold = 16;
- template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Size>
- void __introsort_loop(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last, T*,
- Size depth_limit)
- {
- while (last - first > __stl_threshold){ // > 16
- if (depth_limit == 0){ // 至此,分割恶化
- partial_sort(first, last, last); // 改用 heapsort
- return;
- }
- --depth_limit;
- // 以下是 median-of-3 partition,选择一个够好的枢轴并决定分割点
- // 分割点将落在迭代器cut身上
- RandomAccessIterator cut = __unguarded_partition
- (first, last, T(__median(*first,
- *(first + (last - first)/2),
- *(last - 1))));
- // 对右半段递归进行sort
- __introsort_loop(cut,last,value_type(first), depth_limit);
- last = cut;
- // 现在回到while循环中,准备对左半段递归进行sort
- // 这种写法可读性较差,效率也并没有比较好
- }
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIterator>
- void __final_insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last)
- {
- if (last - first > __stl_threshold){
- // > 16
- // 一、[first,first+16)进行插入排序
- // 二、调用__unguarded_insertion_sort,实质是直接进入插入排序内循环,
- // *参见Insertion sort 源码
- __insertion_sort(first,first + __stl_threshold);
- __unguarded_insertion_sort(first + __stl_threshold, last);
- }
- else
- __insertion_sort(first, last);
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIterator>
- inline void __unguarded_insertion_sort(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last)
- {
- __unguarded_insertion_sort_aux(first, last, value_type(first));
- }
- template <class RandomAccessIterator, class T>
- void __unguarded_insertion_sort_aux(RandomAccessIterator first,
- RandomAccessIterator last,
- T*)
- {
- for (RandomAccessIterator i = first; i != last; ++i)
- __unguarded_linear_insert(i, T(*i));
- }
- if (last - first > __stl_threshold){ // > 16
- ...
- ...
- __introsort_loop(cut,last,value_type(first), depth_limit);
- __introsort_loop(first,cut,value_type(first), depth_limit);

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