【QTP-场景恢复】Post-Recovery Test Run Options Screen
Post-Recovery Test Run Options Screen
When you clear the Add another recovery operation check box in the Recovery Operation screen and click next, the Post-Recovery test run options screen opens. The Post-Recovery test run options specify how to continue the run session after Quick Test has identified the event and performed all of the specified recovery operations.
当你在页面取消"Add another recovery operation"勾选,并点击"下一步"时,进入"Post-Recovery Test Run Options"页面,该页面指定QTP定义并执行恢复操作后,如何继续运行。
Quick Test can perform one of the following run session options after it performs the recovery operations you defined.
Repeat current step and continue
The current step is the step that Quick Test was running when the recovery scenario was triggered. If you are using the on error activation option for recovery scenarios the step that returns the error is often one or more steps later than the step that caused the trigger event to occur.
Proceed to next step
Skips the step that Quick test was running when the recovery scenario was triggered. Keep in mind that skipping a step that performs operations on your application may cause subsequent steps to fail.
Proceed to next action or component iteration
Stops performing steps in the current action iteration and begins the next action iteration from the beginning.
Proceed to next test iteration
Stops performing steps in the current action and begins the next test iteration from the beginning.
Restart current test run
Stops performing steps and re-runs the test or component from the beginning.
Stops the test run
Stops running the test or component.
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