Tkinter Toplevel
- w = Toplevel ( option, ... )
options: 下面是这个小工具最常用的选项列表。这些选项可以作为键 - 值对以逗号分隔.
Option | Description |
bg | The background color of the window. |
bd | Border width in pixels; default is 0. |
cursor | The cursor that appears when the mouse is in this window. |
class_ | Normally, text selected within a text widget is exported to be the selection in the window manager. Set exportselection=0 if you don't want that behavior. |
font | The default font for text inserted into the widget. |
fg | The color used for text (and bitmaps) within the widget. You can change the color for tagged regions; this option is just the default. |
height | Window height. |
relief | Normally, a top-level window will have no 3-d borders around it. To get a shaded border, set the bd option larger that its default value of zero, and set the relief option to one of the constants. |
width | The desired width of the window. |
Methods & Description |
deiconify() Displays the window, after using either the iconify or the withdraw methods. |
frame() Returns a system-specific window identifier. |
group(window) Adds the window to the window group administered by the given window. |
iconify() Turns the window into an icon, without destroying it. |
protocol(name, function) Registers a function as a callback which will be called for the given protocol. |
iconify() Turns the window into an icon, without destroying it. |
state() Returns the current state of the window. Possible values are normal, iconic, withdrawn, and icon. |
transient([master]) Turns the window into a temporary(transient) window for the given master, or to the window's parent, when no argument is given. |
withdraw() Removes the window from the screen, without destroying it. |
maxsize(width, height) Defines the maximum size for this window. |
minsize(width, height) Defines the minimum size for this window. |
positionfrom(who) Defines the position controller. |
resizable(width, height) Defines the resize flags, which control whether the window can be resized. |
sizefrom(who) Defines the size controller. |
title(string) Defines the window title. |
- from Tkinter import *
- root = Tk()
- top = Toplevel()
- top.mainloop()
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