第三,这个函数何时调用呢。其一,用户/开发人员明确调用类的id并在界面上显示的时候,此时会使用该方法。其二,框架自身调用,比如用户点击tree视图列表中的数据切换到form视图的时候,Edit/Create按钮上面的部分会显示诸如 "action_name/当前id对应的name".
def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if not ids:
return []
res = []
for elmt in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
name = _("Lunch Order")
name = name + ' ' + str(elmt.id)
res.append((elmt.id, name))
return res
订单中我们的功能很简单,就是建立(id,“Lunch Order” + id )的键值列表。具体的运行效果如下图:
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
""" fields_view_get([view_id | view_type='form'])
Get the detailed composition of the requested view like fields, model, view architecture
:param view_id: id of the view or None
:param view_type: type of the view to return if view_id is None ('form', 'tree', ...)
:param toolbar: true to include contextual actions
:param submenu: deprecated
:return: dictionary describing the composition of the requested view (including inherited views and extensions)
:raise AttributeError:
* if the inherited view has unknown position to work with other than 'before', 'after', 'inside', 'replace'
* if some tag other than 'position' is found in parent view
:raise Invalid ArchitectureError: if there is view type other than form, tree, calendar, search etc defined on the structure
if context is None:
context = {}
View = self.pool['ir.ui.view'] result = {
'model': self._name,
'field_parent': False,
} # try to find a view_id if none provided
if not view_id:
# <view_type>_view_ref in context can be used to overrride the default view
view_ref_key = view_type + '_view_ref'
view_ref = context.get(view_ref_key)
if view_ref:
if '.' in view_ref:
module, view_ref = view_ref.split('.', )
cr.execute("SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE model='ir.ui.view' AND module=%s AND name=%s", (module, view_ref))
view_ref_res = cr.fetchone()
if view_ref_res:
view_id = view_ref_res[]
_logger.warning('%r requires a fully-qualified external id (got: %r for model %s). '
'Please use the complete `module.view_id` form instead.', view_ref_key, view_ref,
self._name) if not view_id:
# otherwise try to find the lowest priority matching ir.ui.view
view_id = View.default_view(cr, uid, self._name, view_type, context=context) # context for post-processing might be overriden
ctx = context
if view_id:
# read the view with inherited views applied
root_view = View.read_combined(cr, uid, view_id, fields=['id', 'name', 'field_parent', 'type', 'model', 'arch'], context=context)
result['arch'] = root_view['arch']
result['name'] = root_view['name']
result['type'] = root_view['type']
result['view_id'] = root_view['id']
result['field_parent'] = root_view['field_parent']
# override context from postprocessing
if root_view.get('model') != self._name:
ctx = dict(context, base_model_name=root_view.get('model'))
# fallback on default views methods if no ir.ui.view could be found
get_func = getattr(self, '_get_default_%s_view' % view_type)
arch_etree = get_func(cr, uid, context)
result['arch'] = etree.tostring(arch_etree, encoding='utf-8')
result['type'] = view_type
result['name'] = 'default'
except AttributeError:
raise except_orm(_('Invalid Architecture!'), _("No default view of type '%s' could be found !") % view_type) # Apply post processing, groups and modifiers etc...
xarch, xfields = View.postprocess_and_fields(cr, uid, self._name, etree.fromstring(result['arch']), view_id, context=ctx)
result['arch'] = xarch
result['fields'] = xfields # Add related action information if aksed
if toolbar:
toclean = ('report_sxw_content', 'report_rml_content', 'report_sxw', 'report_rml', 'report_sxw_content_data', 'report_rml_content_data')
def clean(x):
x = x[]
for key in toclean:
x.pop(key, None)
return x
ir_values_obj = self.pool.get('ir.values')
resprint = ir_values_obj.get(cr, uid, 'action', 'client_print_multi', [(self._name, False)], False, context)
resaction = ir_values_obj.get(cr, uid, 'action', 'client_action_multi', [(self._name, False)], False, context)
resrelate = ir_values_obj.get(cr, uid, 'action', 'client_action_relate', [(self._name, False)], False, context)
resaction = [clean(action) for action in resaction if view_type == 'tree' or not action[].get('multi')]
resprint = [clean(print_) for print_ in resprint if view_type == 'tree' or not print_[].get('multi')]
#When multi="True" set it will display only in More of the list view
resrelate = [clean(action) for action in resrelate
if (action[].get('multi') and view_type == 'tree') or (not action[].get('multi') and view_type == 'form')] for x in itertools.chain(resprint, resaction, resrelate):
x['string'] = x['name'] result['toolbar'] = {
'print': resprint,
'action': resaction,
'relate': resrelate
return result
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="orders_form_view">
<field name="name">Lunch Order</field>
<field name="model">lunch.order</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string='Orders Form' class="oe_lunch">
<field name='state' widget='statusbar' statusbar_visible='new,confirmed'/>
<field name='user_id'
context="{'default_groups_ref': ['base.group_user', 'base.group_partner_manager', 'lunch.group_lunch_user']}"/>
<field name='date'/>
<field name='alerts' attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('state','!=','new'),('alerts','=',False)]}" class="oe_inline oe_lunch_alert"/>
<div name="preferences">
<separator string='Select your order'/>
<field name='order_line_ids' nolabel='' on_change='onchange_price(order_line_ids)'>
<tree string='List' editable='bottom'>
<field name='product_id' on_change='onchange_price(product_id)'/>
<field name='note' />
<field name='price' on_change='onchange_price(product_id)'/>
<field name='supplier' invisible=""/>
<field name="state" invisible=""/>
<group class='oe_subtotal_footer oe_right'>
<field name='total'/>
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type=False, context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
Add preferences in the form view of order.line
res = super(lunch_order,self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id=view_id, view_type=view_type, context=context, toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu)
line_ref = self.pool.get("lunch.order.line")
if view_type == 'form':
doc = etree.XML(res['arch'])
pref_ids = line_ref.search(cr, uid, [('user_id', '=', uid)], order='id desc', context=context)
xml_start = etree.Element("div")
#If there are no preference (it's the first time for the user)
if len(pref_ids)==:
#create Elements
xml_no_pref_1 = etree.Element("div")
xml_no_pref_1.set('class','oe_inline oe_lunch_intro')
xml_no_pref_2 = etree.Element("h3")
xml_no_pref_2.text = _("This is the first time you order a meal")
xml_no_pref_3 = etree.Element("p")
xml_no_pref_3.text = _("Select a product and put your order comments on the note.")
xml_no_pref_4 = etree.Element("p")
xml_no_pref_4.text = _("Your favorite meals will be created based on your last orders.")
xml_no_pref_5 = etree.Element("p")
xml_no_pref_5.text = _("Don't forget the alerts displayed in the reddish area")
#structure Elements
#Else: the user already have preferences so we display them
preferences = line_ref.browse(cr, uid, pref_ids, context=context)
categories = {} #store the different categories of products in preference
count =
for pref in preferences:
#For each preference
categories.setdefault(pref.product_id.category_id.name, {})
#if this product has already been added to the categories dictionnary
if pref.product_id.id in categories[pref.product_id.category_id.name]:
#we check if for the same product the note has already been added
if pref.note not in categories[pref.product_id.category_id.name][pref.product_id.id]:
#if it's not the case then we add this to preferences
categories[pref.product_id.category_id.name][pref.product_id.id][pref.note] = pref
#if this product is not in the dictionnay, we add it
categories[pref.product_id.category_id.name][pref.product_id.id] = {}
categories[pref.product_id.category_id.name][pref.product_id.id][pref.note] = pref currency = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).company_id.currency_id #For each preferences that we get, we will create the XML structure
for key, value in categories.items():
xml_pref_1 = etree.Element("div")
xml_pref_1.set('class', 'oe_lunch_30pc')
xml_pref_2 = etree.Element("h2")
xml_pref_2.text = key
i =
value = value.values()
#TODO: sorted_values is used for a quick and dirty hack in order to display the last orders of each categories.
#It would be better to fetch only the items to display instead of fetching everything then sorting them in order to keep only the last.
#NB: The note could also be ignored + we could fetch the preferences on the most ordered products instead of the last ones...
sorted_values = {}
for val in value:
for elmt in val.values():
sorted_values[elmt.id] = elmt
for key, pref in sorted(sorted_values.iteritems(), key=lambda (k, v): (k, v), reverse=True):
#We only show preferences per category (or it will be too long)
if i == :
i +=
xml_pref_3 = etree.Element("div")
xml_pref_1.append(xml_pref_3) xml_pref_4 = etree.Element("span")
xml_pref_3.append(xml_pref_4) xml_pref_5 = etree.Element("button")
xml_pref_5.set('class','oe_link oe_i oe_button_plus')
xml_pref_4.append(xml_pref_5) xml_pref_6 = etree.Element("button")
xml_pref_6.set('class','oe_link oe_button_add')
xml_pref_4.append(xml_pref_6) xml_pref_7 = etree.Element("div")
xml_pref_3.append(xml_pref_7) xml_pref_8 = etree.Element("div")
xml_pref_8.text = escape(pref.product_id.name)+str(" ")
xml_pref_7.append(xml_pref_8) price = pref.product_id.price or 0.0
cur = currency.name or ''
xml_pref_9 = etree.Element("span")
xml_pref_9.text = str(price)+str(" ")+cur
xml_pref_8.append(xml_pref_9) xml_pref_10 = etree.Element("div")
xml_pref_10.text = escape(pref.note or '')
xml_pref_3.append(xml_pref_10) xml_start.append(xml_pref_1) first_node = doc.xpath("//div[@name='preferences']")
if first_node and len(first_node)>:
res['arch'] = etree.tostring(doc)
return res
我们重写的函数,首先调用基类的函数,获取默认情况下的form视图数据,然后我们向<div name="prefernces"></div>节点中添加html节点和相关数据,这样我们就动态改变了Form视图的结果。这里在向节点添加数据的时候,对Button按钮设置了事件,如上面的红色部分设置name属性为add_prefernces_1,add_prefernces_2,add_prefernces_3 .....为后面的事件处理打下伏笔。
第三,何时调用的问题。根据以前研究的代码,这个函数是前端UI框架中在显示Form UI之前主动调用的。
def __getattr__(self, attr):
this method catch unexisting method call and if it starts with
add_preference_'n' we execute the add_preference method with
'n' as parameter
if attr.startswith('add_preference_'):
pref_id = int(attr[:])
def specific_function(cr, uid, ids, context=None):
return self.add_preference(cr, uid, ids, pref_id, context=context)
return specific_function
return super(lunch_order, self).__getattr__(attr)
def add_preference(self, cr, uid, ids, pref_id, context=None):
create a new order line based on the preference selected (pref_id)
assert len(ids) ==
orderline_ref = self.pool.get('lunch.order.line')
prod_ref = self.pool.get('lunch.product')
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[], context=context)
pref = orderline_ref.browse(cr, uid, pref_id, context=context)
new_order_line = {
'date': order.date,
'user_id': uid,
'product_id': pref.product_id.id,
'note': pref.note,
'order_id': order.id,
'price': pref.product_id.price,
'supplier': pref.product_id.supplier.id
return orderline_ref.create(cr, uid, new_order_line, context=context)
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