utf8_genera_ci不区分大小写,ci为case insensitive的缩写,即大小写不敏感。
create table test_bin (
name varchar(32) not null primary key,
age int unsigned not null
) engine = InnoDB COLLATE=utf8_bin;
create table test_ci (
name varchar(32) not null primary key,
age int unsigned not null
) engine = InnoDB COLLATE=utf8_general_ci;
insert into test_bin values('Alice', 18);
insert into test_bin values('alice', 18);
insert into test_ci values('Alice', 18);
insert into test_ci values('alice', 20);
mysql> select * from test_paixu_ci order by name desc;
| id | name | address |
| 1 | huzj | hunan |
| 12 | huzj | hunan |
| 13 | Huzj | hunan |
| 14 | huzj | hunan |
| 15 | Huzj | hunan |
| 16 | huzj | hunan |
| 17 | HuzJ | hunan |
| 18 | huzj | hunan |
| 19 | HUZJ | hunan |
| 11 | hUzj | hunan |
| 10 | hUZj | hunan |
| 2 | huzJ | hunan |
| 3 | huzj | hunan |
| 4 | huZj | hunan |
| 5 | hUzj | hunan |
| 6 | huZj | hunan |
| 7 | huzj | hunan |
| 8 | huZj | hunan |
| 9 | hUzj | hunan |
| 20 | hUzj | hunan |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from test_paixu_bin order by name desc;
| id | name | address |
| 1 | huzj | hunan |
| 14 | huzj | hunan |
| 16 | huzj | hunan |
| 7 | huzj | hunan |
| 12 | huzj | hunan |
| 18 | huzj | hunan |
| 3 | huzj | hunan |
| 2 | huzJ | hunan |
| 4 | huZj | hunan |
| 8 | huZj | hunan |
| 6 | huZj | hunan |
| 11 | hUzj | hunan |
| 9 | hUzj | hunan |
| 5 | hUzj | hunan |
| 20 | hUzj | hunan |
| 10 | hUZj | hunan |
| 13 | Huzj | hunan |
| 15 | Huzj | hunan |
| 17 | HuzJ | hunan |
| 19 | HUZJ | hunan |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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