#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define read read()
#define up(i,l,r) for(register int i = (l);i <= (r);i++)
#define down(i,l,r) for(register int i = (l);i >= (r);i--)
#define traversal_vedge(i) for(register int i = head[u]; i ;i = e[i].nxt)
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
int read
int x = , f = ; char ch = getchar();
while(ch < || ch > ) {if(ch == '-')f = -; ch = getchar();}
while(ch >= && ch <=) {x = * x + ch - ;ch = getchar();}
return x * f;
const int N = 2e5+;
ll n,q,S,T,b[N],ans; inline ll get(ll x)
return x > ? (-x*S) : (-x*T);
} int main()
n = read; q = read; S = read; T = read;
ll last = read;
ll x = read;
b[i] = x - last;
last = x;
ans += get(b[i]);
int l = read, r = read, x = read;
ans -= get(b[l]);// b[l]改变,先减后加;
b[l] += x;
ans += get(b[l]);
if(r < n)
ans -= get(b[r+]);//debug -= -> +=
b[r+] -= x;
ans += get(b[r+]);//degug += -> -=
return ;

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