
size_t iconv(iconv_t cd,

             char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft,

             char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);

// 传递给do_convert的in_buf,所有字节数(in_buf_size指定)都是可以转换成功的
static int do_convert(iconv_t cd, const char* from, size_t from_size, std::string* to)
char* in_buf_ptr = const_cast<char*>(from);
size_t in_bytes_left = from_size;
size_t out_bytes = in_bytes_left*3 + 1;
size_t out_bytes_left = out_bytes;
std::string out(out_bytes_left, '\0');
char* out_buf_start = const_cast<char*>(out.c_str());
char* out_buf_ptr = out_buf_start; int bytes = iconv(cd, &in_buf_ptr, &in_bytes_left, &out_buf_ptr, &out_bytes_left);
if (-1 == bytes)
return errno; to->assign(out_buf_start, out_bytes-out_bytes_left);
return 0;
} // 可忽略不能转换的部分,
// 也可以在结果中保留不能被转换的部分
// 详细实现可以浏览:
// https://github.com/eyjian/mooon/blob/master/common_library/src/utils/charset_utils.cpp
void CCharsetUtils::convert(const std::string& from_charset, const std::string& to_charset,
const std::string& from, std::string* to,
bool ignore_error, bool skip_error) throw (CException)
std::string result; // 用来保存处理后的内容
char* in_buf = const_cast<char*>(from.c_str());
size_t in_bytes = from.size(); // 需要处理的总字节数
size_t in_bytes_left = in_bytes; // 剩余的未被处理的字节数
iconv_t cd = iconv_open(to_charset.c_str(), from_charset.c_str()); if ((iconv_t)(-1) == cd)
THROW_EXCEPTION(strerror(errno), errno);
while (in_bytes_left > 0)
int errcode;
size_t out_bytes = in_bytes_left * 3 + 1; // 保证足够大
size_t out_bytes_left = out_bytes;
std::string out(out_bytes_left, '\0');
char* out_buf = const_cast<char*>(out.c_str());
char* out_buf_start = out_buf;
char* in_buf_start = in_buf; // 如果成功,返回值bytes为0
// 如果成功,in_buf指向in的结尾符,即'\0',同时in_bytes_left值为0
// 如果失败,in_buf指向未能转换的起始地址,而in_bytes_left值为剩余的未被转换的(可能含有可转换的)字节数
// 如果成功,则out_bytes-out_bytes_left值为转换后的字节数
// 如果成功,则out_buf_start存储了被转换后的结果,有效长度为out_bytes-out_bytes_left
int bytes = iconv(cd, &in_buf, &in_bytes_left, &out_buf, &out_bytes_left);
if (bytes != -1)
result.append(out_buf_start, out_bytes-out_bytes_left);
else if (!ignore_error)
errcode = errno;
THROW_EXCEPTION(strerror(errcode), errcode);
// EILSEQ An invalid multibyte sequence has been encountered in the input.
// EINVAL An incomplete multibyte sequence has been encountered in the input.
if ((errno != EINVAL) &&
(errno != EILSEQ))
// E2BIG There is not sufficient room at *outbuf.
errcode = errno;
THROW_EXCEPTION(strerror(errcode), errcode);
// in_buf之前部分是可以转换的
if (in_buf != in_buf_start)
std::string str;
errcode = do_convert(cd, in_buf_start, in_buf-in_buf_start, &str);
if (errcode != 0)
THROW_EXCEPTION(strerror(errcode), errcode);
} result.append(str);
} // skip_error决定未能被转换的是否出现在结果当中
if (!skip_error)
result.append(in_buf, 1);
} // 往前推进
--in_bytes_left; // 将导致while语句结束
} if (-1 == iconv_close(cd))
THROW_EXCEPTION(strerror(errno), errno);
} // 不能直接使用to,因为to可能就是from
*to = result;
} void CCharsetUtils::gbk_to_utf8(const std::string& from, std::string* to, bool ignore_error, bool skip_error) throw (CException)
convert("gbk", "utf-8", from, to, ignore_error, skip_error);
} void CCharsetUtils::utf8_to_gbk(const std::string& from, std::string* to, bool ignore_error, bool skip_error) throw (CException)
convert("utf-8", "gbk", from, to, ignore_error, skip_error);
} void CCharsetUtils::gb2312_to_utf8(const std::string& from, std::string* to, bool ignore_error, bool skip_error) throw (CException)
convert("gb2312", "utf-8", from, to, ignore_error, skip_error);
} void CCharsetUtils::utf8_to_gb2312(const std::string& from, std::string* to, bool ignore_error, bool skip_error) throw (CException)
convert("utf-8", "gb2312", from, to, ignore_error, skip_error);


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