public class Test5 { int a = m1(); public int m1() { System.out.println(i); // 0 return i; } int b = (new Object() { public int t() { System.out.println(i); // 0 return i; } }).t(); { i = 100; System.out.println(this.i); // 100 //i = i+1; // error Cannot reference a field before it is defined //System.out.println(i); // error Cannot reference a field before it is defined } //int k = i+1; // error Cannot reference a field before it is defined int i = 2; public static void main(String[] args) { Test5 t = new Test5(); System.out.println(t.i); // 2 } }
public class Test6 { static int a = m1(); public static int m1() { System.out.println(i); // 0 return i; } static int b = (new Object() { public int t() { System.out.println(i); // 0 return i; } }).t(); static { i = j = 10; System.out.println(Test6.j); // 10 //System.out.println(i); // error Cannot reference a field before it is defined //i = j + 2; // error Cannot reference a field before it is defined } static int i, j; public static void main(String[] args) { } }
public class Dervied extends Base { private String name = "dervied"; public Dervied() { tellName(); printName(); } public void tellName() { System.out.println("Dervied tell name: " + name); } public void printName() { System.out.println("Dervied print name: " + name); } public static void main(String[] args){ new Dervied(); } } class Base { private String name = "base"; public Base() { tellName(); printName(); } public void tellName() { System.out.println("Base tell name: " + name); } public void printName() { System.out.println("Base print name: " + name); } }
Dervied tell name: nullDervied print name: nullDervied tell name: derviedDervied print name: dervied
class ParentClass { public static int a=2; public int b=3; { System.out.println("this is anonymity b="+b); } static { a=4; System.out.println("this is static and a="+a); } public ParentClass() { System.out.println("this is parent gozao"); this.s(); } public void s() { System.out.println("this is parent"); } } public class Son extends ParentClass { public Son(){ System.out.println("this is son gozao"); } public static void main(String[] args) { ParentClass d = new Son(); d.s(); } public void s() { //super.s(); System.out.println("this is son"); } }
this is static and a=4 this is anonymity b=3 this is parent gozao this is son this is son gozao this is son
public static int a=2; // 必须放到静态代码块前 // public int a=3; // 代码块中会报错 { System.out.println("this is anonymity b="+b); } static { System.out.println("this is static and a="+a); }
public int b=3; // 必须放到匿名代码块的前面,以保证先被初始化后使用 { System.out.println("this is anonymity b="+b); } public static int b=2; // 可以放到匿名代码块的任意位置
public class InitializeDemo { private static int k = 1; private static InitializeDemo t1 = new InitializeDemo("t1"); private static InitializeDemo t2 = new InitializeDemo("t2"); private static int i = print("i"); private static int n = 99; static { print("静态块"); } private int j = print("j"); { print("构造块"); } public InitializeDemo(String str) { System.out.println((k++) + ":" + str + " i=" + i + " n=" + n); ++i; ++n; } public static int print(String str) { System.out.println((k++) + ":" + str + " i=" + i + " n=" + n); ++n; return ++i; } public static void main(String args[]) { new InitializeDemo("init"); } }
1:j i=0 n=0 2:构造块 i=1 n=1 3:t1 i=2 n=2 4:j i=3 n=3 5:构造块 i=4 n=4 6:t2 i=5 n=5 7:i i=6 n=6 8:静态块 i=7 n=99 9:j i=8 n=100 10:构造块 i=9 n=101 11:init i=10 n=102
1. 运行main方法的时候,JVM会调用ClassLoader来加载Test类,那么一起源于这次加载 2. 上面有四个静态属性,所以会按顺序逐一初始化这四个静态属性 3.private static int k = 1; 此时将k初始化为1 4.private static Test t1 = new Test("t1"); 创建Test对象,那么按照核心理念中的顺序 先执行 private int j = print("j"); 打印出j,然后执行构造块,最后执行构造方法 5.private static Test t2 = new Test("t2"); 同步骤4 6.private static int i = print("i"); 打印i 7.private static int n = 99; 直到这一步,n才被赋值为99,之前是从默认的0开始++的 8. 静态属性初始化完毕,代码走到静态块,打印出静态块,此时n=99 9. 静态属性和静态块执行完毕,然后执行main方法中的代码new Test("init"); 10.main方法中创建对象,先初始化非静态属性,private int j = print("j");打印j,然后执行构造块,最后执行构造方法
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