Problem 63

Powerful digit counts

The 5-digit number, 16807=75, is also a fifth power. Similarly, the 9-digit number, 134217728=89, is a ninth power.


How many n-digit positive integers exist which are also an nth power?


from power import power

count = 0
for i in range(1, 100):
for p in range(1, 100):
num = power(i, p)
if len(str(num)) == p:
print(i, p, num)
count += 1
def power(x, y):
if y == 1:
return x
tot = 1
for i in range(y):
tot *= x
return tot if __name__ == '__main__':
for x in range(1, 5):
for y in range(1, 5):
print('power({0}, {1}) = {2}'.format(x, y, power(x, y)))

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