
compilers with rich code analysis APIs.


With a variety of popular JavaScript tools, more than twenty websites, and millions of

users all over the world, there's always more to be done in the world of jQuery.


From code and documentation to web design and support, the jQuery Foundation welcomes

contributions from anyone willing to put in the time and effort to help us and our

community of users.


Whether you're a grizzled open-source veteran or a curious newcomer, if you want to get

involved, use this site to find out how!

If you're planning to contribute code or content to any jQuery Foundation project, you'll

need to sign our Contributor License Agreement before we can accept your pull request.
如果您打算向任何jQuery Foundation项目贡献代码或内容,那么您需要先签署我们的“参与者许可协议


Whether you're writing code or documentation, it's important to keep your contributions in

line with existing conventions. Take a look at our style guides for
无论你是在编写代码还是文档,保持你的贡献符合现有的约定是很重要的。 看看我们的风格指南

Check out our guide with tips, tricks, and important things to keep in mind if you're

looking to get started contributing to any open source project, including jQuery.


jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML

document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with

an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of

versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write

jQuery是一个快速,小巧,功能丰富的JavaScript库。 它使诸如HTML文档遍历和操纵,事件处理,动画

和Ajax等事情变得简单得多,而且易于使用的API可以在多种浏览器中使用。 结合多功能性和可扩展性


DOM Traversal and Manipulation

There's a lot more to learn about building web sites and applications with jQuery than can

fit in API documentation. If you're looking for explanations of the basics, workarounds for

common problems, best practices, and how-tos, you're in the right place!
关于使用jQuery构建网站和应用程序的知识还有很多,可以在API文档中找到。 如果您正在寻找基本解


Too much good information is spread across corners of the web, languishing in blog and

forum posts, often just out of reach of people who need it, while the same questionable

advice is duplicated across even more questionable sites. Help us stem the tide and educate

today's — and tomorrow's — web developers.

同样可疑的建议是跨越更有问题的网站重复。 帮助我们阻止浪潮,并教育今天和未来的网络开发者。

spread across corners


Sourcetree simplifies how you interact with your Git repositories so you can focus on

coding. Visualize and manage your repositories through Sourcetree's simple Git GUI.
Sourcetree简化了你如何与你的Git仓库进行交互,以便你可以专注于编码。 通过Sourcetree简单的Git


Say goodbye to the command line - simplify distributed version control with a Git client

and quickly bring everyone up to speed.
告别命令行 - 使用Git客户端简化分布式版本控制,并快速提高每个人的速度。

Perfect for making advanced users even more productive. Review changesets, stash, cherry-

pick between branches and more.
适合使高级用户更高效。 查看变更集,存储,分支机构之间的选择和更多。

A fully-featured GUI that offers an efficient, consistent development process right out of

the box. Works with Git and Mercurial.
一个全功能的图形用户界面,提供了一个高效,一致的开发过程。 与Git和Mercurial合作。

Visualize your work and push with confidence. Stage and discard changes by the file, hunk

or line.
形象化你的工作,并自信地推动。 通过文件,块或行来放弃和放弃更改。

Detailed branching diagrams make it easy to keep up with your team's progress.

Never miss a thing. Stay on top of your work and up to date with your code at a glance.
不要错过任何东西。 留在您的工作之上,并与您的代码一目了然。

Wield the power of Git and Mercurial on the two most popular operating systems.

Learn Git through comprehensive tutorials covering branching, merging and more.

Want access to new features and improvements before they are in production? Sign up for the

Beta program to try new features, provide feedback and engage with the Sourcetree Team.
想要在生产之前获得新功能和改进? 注册试用版程序以尝试新功能,提供反馈并与Sourcetree团队合作

If you have any questions or concerns, or you feel that this Privacy Policy has been

violated in any way, please let us know immediately by contacting

This Privacy Policy is current as of the Effective Date set forth above. We may change this

Privacy Policy from time to time, so please be sure to check back periodically. We will

post any changes to this Privacy Policy on our website. If we make any changes to this

Privacy Policy that materially affect our practices with regard to the personal information

we have previously collected from you, we will endeavor to provide you with notice in

advance of such change by highlighting the change on our website.




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