武大OJ 612. Catch the sheep
The input consists of several test cases.
The first line consists of one integer T (T <= 30), meaning the number of test cases.
For each test cases:
The first line consists of integer n (n<=10).
In the next n lines, the i-th line consists of four real number, xi, yi, ri, ui, describing the motion of each sheep (|xi|, |yi| <= 100, 0<=ri<=100, 0<ui<1). (xi, yi) means the coordinate of the center of the circle, ri means the radius of the circle, and ui means the speed of the sheep i.
You should know Anny always started in (0,0). And the sheep always started in (xi+ri, yi).
For each test case, output one line with one real number with 6 decimal places meaning the minimum time Anny could leave without any space.
Sample Input
11 0 1 0.31415926535897932384626433832795
Sample Output
10.000000 本题的难点是根据当前坐标和时间求与第i只羊的最短交汇时间,转移的耗时显然是满足二分性质的,知道当前位置,当前时刻,下一只羊的信息就能够通过二分求得耗时
时间复杂度:武大OJ 612. Catch the sheep的更多相关文章
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