
relocate 到节点1 上。操作如下:

[root@elvis112 ~]# ifconfig -a
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:72:C8:E4  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fe72:c8e4/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:2934765 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1149412 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:4380939360 (4.0 GiB)  TX bytes:78738949 (75.0 MiB)

eth0:1    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:72:C8:E4  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

eth0:2    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:72:C8:E4  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:ED:96:2A  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:feed:962a/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:11780 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:10853 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:6299510 (6.0 MiB)  TX bytes:5513041 (5.2 MiB)

eth1:1    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:ED:96:2A  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:9230 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:9230 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:8018947 (7.6 MiB)  TX bytes:8018947 (7.6 MiB)

[grid@elvis112 ~]$ crs_stat -t
Name           Type           Target    State     Host        
ora.DATA1.dg   ora....up.type ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....ER.lsnr ora....er.type ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....N1.lsnr ora....er.type ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora.asm        ora.asm.type   ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora.cvu        ora.cvu.type   ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora....SM2.asm application    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....11.lsnr application    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....111.gsd application    OFFLINE   OFFLINE               
ora....111.ons application    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....111.vip ora....t1.type ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....SM1.asm application    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora....12.lsnr application    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora....112.gsd application    OFFLINE   OFFLINE               
ora....112.ons application    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora....112.vip ora....t1.type ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora.gsd        ora.gsd.type   OFFLINE   OFFLINE               
ora....network ora....rk.type ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora.oc4j       ora.oc4j.type  ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora.ons        ora.ons.type   ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....ry.acfs ora....fs.type ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora.scan1.vip  ora....ip.type ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112   
-------上面显示scan ip在elvis112上 
[grid@elvis112 ~]$ srvctl status scan_listener
SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is enabled
SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is running on node elvis112
[grid@elvis112 ~]$ srvctl relocate -h
The SRVCTL relocate command relocates a running Oracle Clusterware managed object to another node or instance.
Usage: srvctl relocate database -d <db_unique_name> {[-n <target>] [-w <timeout>] | -a [-r]} [-v]
Usage: srvctl relocate service -d <db_unique_name> -s <service_name> {-i <old_inst_name> -t <new_inst_name> | -c <current_node> -n <target_node>} [-f]
Usage: srvctl relocate server -n "<server_list>" -g <pool_name> [-f]
Usage: srvctl relocate vip -i <vip_name> [-n <node_name>] [-f] [-v]
Usage: srvctl relocate scan -i <ordinal_number> [-n <node_name>]
Usage: srvctl relocate scan_listener -i <ordinal_number> [-n <node_name>]
Usage: srvctl relocate oc4j [-n <node_name>] [-v]
Usage: srvctl relocate gns [-n <node_name>] [-v]
Usage: srvctl relocate cvu [-n <node_name>]
For detailed help on each command and object and its options use:
  srvctl <command> <object> -h
[grid@elvis112 ~]$ srvctl relocate scan_listener -i elvis112 -n elvis111
PRKO-2111 : Invalid number elvis112 for command line option i  
-----注意,上述报错,-i为ordinal_number -n为节点的名字。官档描述如下:
srvctl relocate scan_listener -i ordinal_number [-n node_name]
Note:This command is only available with Oracle Clusterware.
-i ordinal_number
An ordinal number that identifies which SCAN VIP you want to relocate. The range of values you can specify for this option is 1 to 3.
-n node_name
The name of a single node.
If you do not specify this option, then the utility chooses the node to which the SCAN VIP is relocated.

An example of this command is:
$ srvctl relocate scan_listener -i 1 -n node3

[grid@elvis112 ~]$ srvctl config scan_listener
SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN1 exists. Port: TCP:1521
[grid@elvis112 ~]$ srvctl status scan_listener
SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is enabled
SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is running on node elvis112
[grid@elvis112 ~]$ srvctl relocate scan_listener -i 1 -n elvis111
[grid@elvis112 ~]$ crs_stat -t -v
Name           Type           R/RA   F/FT   Target    State     Host        
ora.DATA1.dg   ora....up.type 0/5    0/     ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....ER.lsnr ora....er.type 0/5    0/     ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....N1.lsnr ora....er.type 0/5    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora.asm        ora.asm.type   0/5    0/     ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora.cvu        ora.cvu.type   0/5    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora....SM2.asm application    0/5    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....11.lsnr application    0/5    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....111.gsd application    0/5    0/0    OFFLINE   OFFLINE               
ora....111.ons application    0/3    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....111.vip ora....t1.type 0/0    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....SM1.asm application    0/5    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora....12.lsnr application    0/5    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora....112.gsd application    0/5    0/0    OFFLINE   OFFLINE               
ora....112.ons application    0/3    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora....112.vip ora....t1.type 0/0    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora.gsd        ora.gsd.type   0/5    0/     OFFLINE   OFFLINE               
ora....network ora....rk.type 0/5    0/     ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora.oc4j       ora.oc4j.type  0/1    0/2    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis112    
ora.ons        ora.ons.type   0/3    0/     ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora....ry.acfs ora....fs.type 0/5    0/     ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111    
ora.scan1.vip  ora....ip.type 0/0    0/0    ONLINE    ONLINE    elvis111

[grid@elvis112 ~]$ srvctl status scan_listener
SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is enabled
SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is running on node elvis111

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