

vi /etc/init.d/memcached
    1. #!/bin/bash
    1. #description: Memcached Service Daemon
    1. #processname: Memcached
    1. #chkconfig: 2345 90 50
    1. #Source function library.
    1. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
    1. . /etc/sysconfig/network
    1. memcached_exec="/usr/local/bin/memcached"
    1. memcached_pid="/var/run/memcached.pid"
    1. lockfile="/var/lock/subsys/memcached"
    1. prog="memcached"
    1. memcached_host=""
    1. memcached_port=11411
    1. memcached_memory="1024"
    1. start() {
    1. if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
    1. echo "User has insufficient privilege."
    1. exit 4
    1. fi
    1. [ -x $memcached_exec ] || exit 5
    1. echo -n $"starting $prog: "
    1. daemon $memcached_exec -u daemon -d -m $memcached_memory -l $memcached_host -p $memcached_port -c 256 -P $memcached_pid
    1. retval=$?
    1. echo
    1. [ $retval -eq 0 ] && touch $lockfile
    1. }
    1. stop() {
    1. if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
    1. echo "User has insufficient privilege."
    1. exit 4
    1. fi
    1. echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "
    1. if [ -n "`pidfileofproc $memcached_exec`" ]; then
    1. killproc $memcached_exec
    1. else
    1. failure $"stopping $prog"
    1. fi
    1. retval=$?
    1. echo
    1. [ $retval -eq 0 ] && rm -f $lockfile
    1. }
    1. status() {
    1. # run checks to determine if the service is running or use generic status
    1. status $prog
    1. }
    1. case "$1" in
    1. "start")
    1. start
    1. ;;
    1. "stop")
    1. stop
    1. ;;
    1. "restart")
    1. stop
    1. sleep 3
    1. start
    1. ;;
    1. "status")
    1. status
    1. ;;
    1. *)
    1. echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
    1. exit 1
    1. ;;
    1. esac
    1. exit $?


    1. chmod +x /etc/init.d/memcached


chkconfig --list memcached
chkconfig --add memcached
chkconfig --level 235 memcached on


chkconfig --list | grep memcached
service memcached start
service memcached stop
service memcached restart

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