
  1. select * from bonus;
  2. select * from salgrade;
  3. select 1+1 from dual;
  4. --笛卡尔积:两张表的乘积
  5. select * from emp,dept;
  7. select * from emp e1,dept d1 where e1.deptno =d1.deptno;
  9. /*
  10. 内联接:
  11. 隐式内联接:
  12. 不等值内联接:where e1.deptno <> d1.deptno
  13. 自联接:自己连接自己
  14. 等值内联接: where e1.deptno = d1.deptno;
  15. 显示内联接:
  16. select * from 表1 inner join 表2 链接条件
  18. inner关键字可以省略
  19. */
  20. select * from emp e1,dept d1 where e1.deptno <> d1.deptno;
  22. --查询员工编号,员工姓名,经理编号,经理的姓名
  24. select e1.empno,e1.ename,e1.mgr,m1.ename
  25. from emp e1,emp m1 where e1.mgr = m1.empno;
  27. --查询员工编号,员工姓名,员工的部门名称,经理的编号,经理的姓名
  28. select e1.empno,e1.ename,e1.mgr,m1.ename,d1.dname
  29. from emp e1,emp m1,dept d1 where e1.mgr = m1.empno and e1.deptno = d1.deptno;
  31. --查询员工编号,员工姓名,员工的部门名称,经理的编号,经理的姓名,经理的部门名称
  32. select e1.empno,e1.ename,d1.dname,e1.mgr,m1.ename,d2.dname
  33. from emp e1,emp m1,dept d1,dept d2
  34. where e1.mgr = m1.empno
  35. and e1.deptno = m1.deptno and d2.deptno = m1.deptno;
  36. select * from dept;
  37. select * from emp;
  38. select * from salgrade;
  40. --查询员工编号,员工姓名,员工的部门名称,员工的工资等级,经理的编号,经理的姓名,经理的部门名称
  41. select e1.empno,e1.ename,d1.dname,s1.grade,e1.mgr,m1.ename,d2.dname
  42. from emp e1, emp m1,dept d1,dept d2,salgrade s1
  43. where
  44. e1.mgr= m1.empno
  45. and e1.deptno = d1.deptno
  46. and m1.deptno = d2.deptno
  47. and e1.sal between s1.losal and s1.hisal ;
  48. --查询员工编号,员工姓名,员工的部门名称,员工的工资等级,经理的编号,经理的姓名,经理的部门名称,经理的工资等级
  49. select e1.empno,e1.ename,d1.dname,s1.grade,e1.mgr,m1.ename,d2.dname,s2.grade
  50. from emp e1, emp m1,dept d1,dept d2,salgrade s1,salgrade s2
  51. where
  52. e1.mgr= m1.empno
  53. and e1.deptno = d1.deptno
  54. and m1.deptno = d2.deptno
  55. and e1.sal between s1.losal and s1.hisal
  56. and m1.sal between s2.losal and s2.hisal ;
  57. --查询员工编号,员工姓名,员工的部门名称,员工的工资等级,经理的编号,经理的姓名,经理的部门名称,经理的工资等级
  58. --将工资登记1,2,3,4显示成中文的一级二级,三级四级
  59. select e1.empno,
  60. e1.ename,
  61. d1.dname,
  62. case s1.grade
  63. when 1 then '一级'
  64. when 2 then '二级'
  65. when 3 then '三级'
  66. when 4 then '四级'
  67. else
  68. '五级'
  69. end "等级",
  70. e1.mgr,
  71. m1.ename,
  72. d2.dname,
  73. decode(s2.grade,1,'一级',2,'二级',3,'三级',4,'四级','五级') "等级"
  74. from emp e1, emp m1,dept d1,dept d2,salgrade s1,salgrade s2
  75. where
  76. e1.mgr= m1.empno
  77. and e1.deptno = d1.deptno
  78. and m1.deptno = d2.deptno
  79. and e1.sal between s1.losal and s1.hisal
  80. and m1.sal between s2.losal and s2.hisal ;
  82. --查询员工姓名和员工部门所处的位置
  83. select e1.ename,e1.deptno from emp e1 ,dept d1 where e1.deptno = d1.deptno;
  85. select * from emp e1 inner join dept d1 on e1.deptno = d1.deptno;
  87. /*
  88. 外联接:(标准,通用写法)
  89. 左外联接:left outer join 左表中所有的记录,如果右表没有对应记录,就显示空
  90. 右外连接:right outer join 右表中所有的记录,如果左表没有对应记录,就显示空
  91. outer 关键字可以省略
  92. Oracle中的外连接:(+)实际上是没有对应的记录就加上空值
  93. select * from emp e1,dept d1 where e1.deptno = d1.deptno(+);
  95. */
  96. select * from emp e1 left outer join dept d1 on e1.deptno = d1.deptno;
  97. insert into emp(empno,ename) values(9527,'HUAAN');
  98. select * from emp e1,dept d1 where e1.deptno = d1.deptno(+);
  99. select * from emp e1 right outer join dept d1 on e1.deptno = d1.deptno;
  101. select * from emp e1,dept d1 where e1.deptno(+) = d1.deptno;
  103. /*
  104. 子查询:查询语句中嵌套查询语句;用来解决复杂的查询语句
  105. 查询最高工资的员工的信息
  106. 单行子查询:> >= = < <= <> !=
  108. 多行子查询: in not in >any >all exists not exists
  109. 查询领导信息
  110. */
  111. --查询最高工资的员工信息
  112. --1.查询最高工资
  113. select max(sal) from emp ;
  114. --2.工资等于最高工资
  115. select * from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp);
  117. --查询出比雇员7654的工资高,同时和7788从事相同工作的员工信息
  118. --1.雇员7654的工资 1250
  119. select sal from emp where empno=7654;
  121. --2.7788从事的工作 ANALYST
  122. select job from emp where empno= 7788;
  123. select* from emp where
  124. (select sal from emp where empno=7654)<sal and job=(select job from emp where empno= 7788);
  126. select * from emp where sal > (select sal from emp where empno = 7654) and job = (select job from emp where empno = 7788);
  128. --查询每个部门最低工资的员工信息和他所在的部门信息
  129. --1.查询每个部门的最低工资,分组统计
  130. select deptno, min(sal) minsal from emp group by deptno;
  131. --2.员工工资等于他所处部门的最低工资
  132. select * from emp e1,
  133. (select deptno, min(sal) minsal from emp group by deptno)
  134. t1 where e1.deptno = t1.deptno and e1.sal = t1.minsal;
  136. --3.查询部门相关信息
  137. select *
  138. from emp e1,
  139. (select deptno,min(sal) minsal from emp group by deptno) t1,
  140. dept d1
  141. where e1.deptno = t1.deptno and e1.sal = t1.minsal and e1.deptno = d1.deptno;
  142. /*
  143. 内联接,单行自查询,多行子查询
  145. in
  146. not in
  147. any
  148. all
  149. exists
  151. 通常情况下,数据库中不要出现null,最好的做法是加上not null
  152. null值并不代表不占用空间,char(100)null 100个字符
  153. */
  154. --查询领导信息
  155. --1.查询所有经理的编号
  156. select mgr from emp;
  157. select distinct mgr from emp;
  158. --2.结果
  159. select * from emp where empno in (select mgr from emp);
  160. --查询不是领导的信息
  161. select * from emp where empno not in (select mgr from emp);
  162. select * from emp where empno <>all(select mgr from emp);
  163. --正确写法
  164. select * from emp where empno not in(select mgr from emp where mgr is not null);
  165. --查询出比10号部门任意一个员工薪资高的员工信息 10 20 30
  166. select * from emp where sal > any(select sal from emp where deptno=10);
  167. --查询出比20号部门所有员工薪资高的员工信息 10 20 30
  168. --1.20号最高工资 3000
  169. select max(sal) from emp where deptno =20;
  170. --2.员工信息
  171. select * from emp;
  172. --合并
  173. select * from emp where sal > (select max(sal) from emp where deptno =20);
  175. -----使用多行子查询完成上面这题
  176. --20号部门所有员工的薪资
  177. select sal from emp where deptno = 20;
  178. --大于集合所有的
  179. select * from emp where sal > all(select sal from emp where deptno=20);
  181. /*
  182. exists(查询语句):存在的意思,判断一张表里的记录是否存在于另外一张表中
  183. 当作布尔值来处理
  184. 当查询语句有结果的时候,就返回true;否则false;
  185. 数据量比较大的时候是非常高效的
  186. */
  187. select * from emp where exists(select * from emp where deptno = 1234567);
  188. select * from emp where 3=4;
  190. select * from emp where exists(select * from emp where deptno = 20);
  192. --查询有员工的部门的信息
  193. select * from dept d1 where exists(select * from emp e1 where e1.deptno = d1.deptno );
  195. --找到员工表中工资最高的前三名(降序排序)
  196. select * from emp order by sal desc;
  197. /*
  198. rownum : 伪列 ,系统自动生成一列,用来表示行号
  199. rownum是Oracle特有的用来表示行号,默认值/起始值是1,在每查询出结果之后,在添加1
  200. rownum最好不能做大于号判断,可以做小于号判断
  202. sql执行顺序
  203. from .. where..group by..having..select ..rownum..order by
  204. */
  205. select rownum ,e1.* from emp e1;
  207. --查询rownum大于2的所有记录
  208. select rownum , e1.* from emp e1 where rownum>2;--没有任何记录
  209. --查询rownum大于等于1的所有记录
  210. select rownum , e1.* from emp e1 where rownum>=1;
  211. --查询rownum < 6 的所有记录
  212. select rownum,e1.* from emp e1 where rownum < 6;
  213. --rownum 排序
  214. select rownum ,e1.* from emp e1 order by sal;
  216. --找到员工表中工资最高的前三名
  217. select rownum ,e1.* from emp e1 order by sal desc ;
  218. --将上面的结果当作一张表处理,再查询
  219. select rownum ,t1.* from (select rownum ,e1.* from emp e1 order by sal desc) t1;
  221. --只显示前三条记录
  222. select rownum ,
  223. t1.* from(select rownum ,e1.* from emp e1 order by sal desc) t1 where rownum<4;
  225. --找到员工表中薪水大于本部门平均薪水的员工
  226. --1.分组统计部门平均薪水
  227. select deptno, avg(sal) avgsal from emp group by deptno;
  228. --2.员工工资 > 本部门平均工资
  229. select * from emp e1,
  230. (select deptno,avg(sal) avgsal from emp group by deptno) t1
  231. where e1.sal>t1.avgsal and e1.deptno = t1.deptno;
  233. /*
  234. 关联子查询 , 非关联子查询
  235. */
  236. select * from emp e where
  237. sal > (select avg(sal) from emp e2 group by deptno having e.deptno=e2.deptno)
  239. /*
  240. 统计每年入职的员工个数
  241. */
  242. select hiredate from emp;
  243. --只显示年
  244. select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') from emp;
  246. --分组统计
  247. select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy');
  249. select case yy when '' then cc end
  250. from
  251. (select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')) tt;
  253. select yy
  254. from
  255. (select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')) tt;
  257. select case yy when '' then cc end "1987"
  258. from
  259. (select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')) tt;
  261. select case yy when '' then cc end "1987"
  262. from
  263. (select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')) tt;
  265. --去除行记录中的空值
  266. select sum(case yy when '' then cc end) "1987"
  267. from
  268. (select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')) tt;
  270. --统计员工的总数
  271. select sum(cc) "TOTAL"
  272. from
  273. (select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy'))
  275. --将1987 TOTAL 合并在一起
  276. select sum(cc) "TOTAL",
  277. sum(case yy when '' then cc end)"1987"
  278. from
  279. (select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')) tt;
  281. --显示所有年份的结果
  282. select
  283. sum(cc) "TOTAL",
  284. sum(case yy when '' then cc end) "1980",
  285. sum(case yy when '' then cc end) "1981",
  286. sum(case yy when '' then cc end) "1982",
  287. sum(case yy when '' then cc end) "1987"
  288. from
  289. (select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') yy,count(1) cc from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')) tt;
  291. /*
  292. rowid :伪列 每行记录所存放的真实物理地址
  293. rownum :行号 每查询出记录之后,就会添加一个行号
  294. */
  295. select rowid ,e.* from emp e;
  297. /*
  298. rownum:分页查询
  299. 在Oracle中只能使用子查询来做分页查询
  300. */
  301. select rownum, emp.* from emp;
  302. select * from (select rownum hanghao ,emp.* from emp)tt
  303. where tt.hanghao between 6 and 10;
  305. /*
  306. 集合运算:
  307. 并集:将两个查询结果进行合并
  308. 交集
  309. 差集
  311. 所有的查询结果可能不是来自同一张表
  312. emp 2000年
  313. 2017年 手机 详细信息 emp2017
  314. */
  315. --工资大于1500,或者20号部门下的员工
  316. select * from emp where sal > 1500 or deptno = 20;
  318. --并集运算: union union all
  319. /*
  320. union:去除重复的,并且排序
  321. union all:不会去除重复的
  322. */
  323. select * from emp where sal>1500
  324. union
  325. select * from emp where deptno = 20;
  327. select * from emp where sal > 1500
  328. union all
  329. select * from emp where deptno = 20;
  331. /*
  332. 交集运算: intersect
  334. */
  335. --工资大于1500,并且20号部门下的员工
  337. select * from emp where sal>1500
  338. intersect
  339. select * from emp where deptno = 20;
  341. /*
  342. 差集运算: 两个结果相减
  343. */
  344. --1981年入职员工(不包括总裁和经理)
  345. --1981年入职员工
  346. select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')= 1981;
  347. --总裁和经理
  348. select * from emp where job = 'PRESIDENT' or job = 'MANAGER';
  350. select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')= 1981
  351. minus
  352. select * from emp where job = 'PRESIDENT' or job = 'MANAGER';
  354. /*
  355. 集合运算中的注意事项
  356. 1.列的类型要一致
  357. 2.按照顺序写
  358. 3.列的数量要一致,如果不足,用空值填充
  359. */
  360. select ename,sal from emp where sal > 1500
  361. union
  362. select ename,sal from emp where deptno = 20;


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    从 html 诞生至今,我们构建 html 页面的使用 html 元素好像并没有太多的进步.在构建 html 页面中,用的最多的是 div 标签.但是应用 div 标签构建 html 页面有一个问题, ...

  8. 阿里云CentOS下安装jdk

    首先需要下载jdk: 由于oracle上的下载页面有跳转,直接用wget下载下来的只是html页面.可以用下面的命令: wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate ...

  9. [Openwrt 扩展下篇] Openwrt搭建私有云Owncloud 9

    网上很多资料讲用Linux打造owncloud构建私有云 ,花了些时间研究了下,我将之前的需求打造成了Openwrt下的Owncloud 9.其实网上还有Seafile.大家对比来看下知乎的评论,其实 ...

  10. 差分约束系统+spfa(B - World Exhibition HDU - 3592 )

    题目链接:https://cn.vjudge.net/contest/276233#problem/B 思路和上一个一样,不过注意点有两个,第一,对dis数组进行初始化的时候,应该初始化成ox3f3f ...