1. A game

 from sys import exit
from random import randint
from textwrap import dedent # 使可以使用三引号型的字符串 # 具体实现了场景间的切换
class Engine(object): def __init__(self, scene_map):
self.scene_map = scene_map def play(self):
current_scene = self.scene_map.opening_scene() # 初始场景的类
last_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene('finished') while current_scene != last_scene:
next_scene_name = current_scene.enter() # 返回一个场景的名字
current_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene(next_scene_name) # 确保print出最后一个场景
current_scene.enter() # 各场景共有的父类
class Scene(object): def enter(self):
pass # 具体的每个场景,其中定义了一些说明和交互
class Death(Scene): quips = ["You died.", "Please try again.", "That's not very good."] # 类变量,可以通过类名调用 def enter(self):
exit(1) class CentralCorridor(Scene): def enter(self):
You are met with some strange things.
This is a locked room.
It will be a good idea to leave right away.
You see a Gothon blocking the door.
Try to do something.
action = input('>')
if action == 'shoot!':
return 'death'
elif action == 'tell a joke!':
return 'laser_weapon_armory'
print("Nothing happened.")
return 'central_corridor' class LaserWeaponArmory(Scene): def enter(self):
This is the laser weapon armory.
Destroy their weapon!
Please enter the code.
""") code = ""
guess = input('>')
guesses = 0 while guess != code and guesses < 5:
print("That's not right!")
guesses += 1
guess = input('Try again >') if guess == code:
print("Bingo! The weapon is destroyed!")
return 'the_bridge'
print("A bell rings and you are locked here to die!")
return 'death' class TheBridge(Scene): def enter(self):
print("A bridge is in front of you and you see a huge bomb. ")
action = input('>') if action == "throw it away":
print("It exploded as you aprroached it. You died.")
return 'death'
elif action == "leave it behind":
print("It seems nothing happened. You can safely pass it.")
return 'escape_pod'
return 'death' class EscapeRod(Scene): def enter(self):
You finally make it to the escape rod.
There are five ships in front of you.
Which one do you want to take?
num = input('>')
correct_ship = ''
if num == correct_ship:
print("You got on the ship. Everything seems getting on well. You won!")
return 'finished'
print("The ship is not working well. It exploded as take off!. You died!")
return 'death' class Finished(Scene): def enter(self):
print("Congratulations! You successfully escaped from the ship!")
return 'finished' # 定义了各场景的名字,定义了进出场景的方法
class Map(object): scenes = {'central_corridor': CentralCorridor(),
'laser_weapon_armory': LaserWeaponArmory(),
'the_bridge': TheBridge(),
'escape_pod': EscapeRod(),
'death': Death(),
'finished': Finished()
} def __init__(self, start_scene):
self.start_scene = start_scene def next_scene(self, scene_name):
nextScene = Map.scenes.get(scene_name)
return nextScene # 根据传入名称返回一个场景的类 def opening_scene(self):
return self.next_scene(self.start_scene) # 根据出发点名称返回出发点场景的类 a_map = Map("central_corridor")
a_game = Engine(a_map)

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