"I usually am — but about what in particular this time?"

“我通常都是 —— 但是这次有什么特殊的吗?”

"Ditching is healthy." I practiced breathing evenly.


"You scared me for a minute there," he admitted after a pause. His tone made it sound like he was confessing a humiliating weakness.


"I thought Newton was dragging your dead body off to bury it in the woods."


"Ha ha." I still had my eyes closed, but I was feeling more normal every minute.


"Honestly — I've seen corpses with better color. I was concerned that I might have to avenge your murder."


"Poor Mike. I'll bet he's mad."


"He absolutely loathes me," Edward said cheerfully.


"You can't know that," I argued, but then I wondered suddenly if he could.


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