You can't specify target table 'sc' for update in FROM clause


上面的sql是我写的,执行就报这个错,这个原因说的是 不能从自己表里查数据再更新自己


update sc set sc.score =
(select t1.score from (select avg(sc1.score) score from sc sc1 where sc1.c_id=(select course.c_id from teacher,course where course.t_id=teacher.t_id and tname='叶平')) t1)
where sc.c_id = (select course.c_id from teacher,course where course.t_id=teacher.t_id and tname='叶平');

这种问题仅存在于mysql中,在Oracle中是不存在的,因此在此打个mark 以防下次又忘记了

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