Dear all

Yes ~

We can backup our sqlserver by EMC NW NMM. That is true and NW is a very very powerful and useful backup software. Why we use

enterprse backup software ? Becase we believe that some day .when we need data , the software could bring necessary data back.

now ,. I show to you how to make it .

Yes, You need sqlserver database back no matter on original DB server or remote DB server.

So, we should confirm when the database need to restore and recover. When ??

We can use it to confirm

In order to get exact time , we need to turn on "networker for sqlserver". and select the database you want to restore and recover ?

By the way, before you start it , please make the Disk structure is the same as the original one.. That does not meas we can not restore

and recover database into different location, but it is easy and save way.

OK,. let`s continue,. Have you seen that image ? type "FULL" means database full backup restore time point , type "incr" means

database transaction log restore time point.

So, let us start to work. I do not like GUI tools , this way we use command.

nsrsqlrc.exe -s BACKUP -c NB1 -t "10/11/2017 02:14:14" -S normal "MSSQL:M"

-s , special backup master server name.
-c , offer original cilent name, for sqlserver it should be original database windows cluster name
-t , database restore and recover time, we can get the time information from that image .
-S normal, it means restore and recover database and open it.

when we execute the command , if there is no error show. there is only thing left is wait.

You see , after execute that command we have wait total 3651 seconds and it starts to work. 3651 seconds mean one hour.

My God, we need to wast one hour time. That is NW Bug ? I do not know,

Last thing, My enviroument is DDBOOST over TCP/IP. The restore time not only depend on database size but also relay on network

speed. Here is prove.

Backup Post-comp Network Restore Network Backup Restore
KB/s Written KB/s In KB/s KB/s Out KB/s Conn Conn
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- -------
7,036,336 68,643 68,645 8,178 8,178 10 1
23,270,537 65,151 65,151 8,180 8,180 10 1
13,505,129 67,540 67,540 7,981 7,981 10 1
9,109,866 67,917 67,917 8,080 8,080 10 1
4,013,461 67,767 67,768 8,833 8,833 10 1
1,155,016 65,952 65,953 5,922 5,922 9 1
12,528,995 67,952 67,956 11,191 11,191 9 1
86,903 66,481 66,481 9,633 9,633 8 1
97,710 66,456 66,456 9,786 9,786 9 1
13,256,128 67,432 67,432 8,686 8,686 10 1
7,909,905 68,433 68,433 8,831 8,831 10 1
13,249,579 66,244 66,244 9,637 9,637 11 1
13,245,176 68,174 68,174 8,824 8,824 11 1
3,176,838 64,597 64,597 9,786 9,786 9 1
98,341 63,853 63,853 8,831 8,831 9 1
97,357 66,054 66,054 7,879 7,879 9 1

Backup Post-comp Network Restore Network Backup Restore
KB/s Written KB/s In KB/s KB/s Out KB/s Conn Conn
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- -------
95,842 64,597 64,597 8,175 8,175 9 1
99,699 65,993 65,993 7,928 7,928 9 1
93,190 62,696 62,696 8,782 8,782 9 1
93,392 61,280 61,280 7,226 7,226 9 1
96,637 65,330 65,330 8,831 8,831 9 1

Backup Post-comp Network Restore Network Backup Restore
KB/s Written KB/s In KB/s KB/s Out KB/s Conn Conn
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- -------
162,196 108,890 108,894 0 0 8 0
160,031 107,923 107,928 0 0 10 0
162,889 108,116 108,121 0 0 9 0
158,029 105,923 105,928 0 0 9 0
138,566 105,375 105,376 0 0 8 0
133,489 105,333 105,334 0 0 8 0
137,856 105,821 105,822 0 0 8 0
136,450 105,372 105,373 0 0 8 0
133,338 104,155 104,156 0 0 8 0
137,555 106,320 106,321 0 0 8 0
138,006 107,581 107,582 0 0 8 0
136,552 107,927 107,928 0 0 7 0
120,168 107,055 107,055 0 0 7 0
145,029 107,388 107,389 0 0 6 0
119,239 106,808 106,808 0 0 5 0
122,976 106,991 106,991 0 0 7 0

Backup Post-comp Network Restore Network Backup Restore
KB/s Written KB/s In KB/s KB/s Out KB/s Conn Conn
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- -------
133,841 108,989 108,989 0 0 7 0
131,481 107,415 107,415 0 0 7 0
131,380 107,316 107,316 0 0 7 0
127,293 107,227 107,227 0 0 7 0
135,798 110,104 110,104 0 0 7 0
132,009 107,933 107,933 0 0 7 0

Backup Post-comp Network Restore Network Backup Restore
KB/s Written KB/s In KB/s KB/s Out KB/s Conn Conn
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- -------
0 0 0 18,665 18,665 0 1
0 0 0 15,908 15,908 0 1
0 0 0 18,652 18,652 0 1
0 0 0 18,062 18,062 0 1
0 0 0 19,831 19,831 0 1
0 0 0 17,050 17,050 0 1
0 0 0 14,613 14,613 0 1
0 0 0 10,737 10,737 0 1
0 0 0 11,690 11,690 0 1
0 0 0 18,564 18,564 0 1
0 0 0 17,511 17,511 0 1
0 0 0 21,127 21,127 0 1
0 0 0 17,966 17,966 0 1
0 0 0 16,055 16,055 0 1
0 0 0 24,886 24,886 0 1
0 0 0 13,786 13,786 0 1

Backup Post-comp Network Restore Network Backup Restore
KB/s Written KB/s In KB/s KB/s Out KB/s Conn Conn
--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- -------
0 0 0 13,562 13,562 0 1
0 0 0 18,969 18,969 0 1
32 6 6 19,421 19,421 0 1
0 0 0 18,664 18,664 0 1
0 0 0 19,116 19,116 0 2
0 0 0 15,152 15,152 0 1
0 0 0 17,787 17,787 0 1
0 0 0 16,899 16,899 0 1
0 0 0 19,455 19,455 0 1
0 0 0 20,124 20,124 0 1

My envioument network is 1000MB , so we could estimate the MAX restore speed is 100MB/sec in theory..


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