
作者:Darren Edge






Interaction: Shaping the Research and Design
User Interfaces for Peripheral

Taylor及其同事完成,并且有幸赢得了最佳论文奖(Best Paper Awards)的殊荣,另一个键盘项目被称为GestKeyboard,可以在未改良的键盘上识别轻抚键盘的手势,并且可以与常规打字动作无缝结合。这个项目的第一作者是2011年曾在微软亚洲研究院人机交互组当过实习生的Haimo


Exercise Tracking项目展示视频的截图


由Dan Morris和微软雷德蒙研究院其他同事合作的Exercise Tracking



智能字幕(Smart Subtitles)项目展示视频的截图



Personal Tasks




2014期间赢得了荣誉提名奖(Honorable Mention Award),可用来对论文进行环节分组,并形成最终的CHI


People’s Choice Best Talk Award)”。Panelrama项目提出了一个跨设备Web应用的全新开发模型,并且借助一款演示应用和最新的可穿戴技术进行了演示。这个项目意味着我们对跨设备体验的思考方式又向前迈进了一大步。演示者Jishuo





If you are reading this blog post, there is
a very good chance that you are Human. There is also a good chance
that you are reading this post using a physical mouse or touch
screen to scroll down a Web page, which is displayed in a Web
browser, which runs on an Operating System, which performs
computation in hardware, which is packaged inside a physical
“Computer” (for example, a PC, tablet, or mobile phone). Have you
ever thought about how such technologies are designed based on
theories about future users’ knowledge, skills, needs, and values?
Or how researchers conduct studies both in the laboratory and “in
the wild” to understand when, where, how, and why people use and
respond to technology in practice? If you have thought about these
questions, then you have been thinking about Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI). And you are not alone.

Each year, up to 3500 people from around
the world gather together for the premiere international conference
on Human-Computer Interaction – the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Information Systems. In the spirit of simplification,
this is normally just abbreviated to CHI (pronounced “kai”). Having
your work accepted as a paper or note at CHI is a significant
achievement – only 23% of submissions to CHI 2014 were accepted
(465 out of 2036). Each year, Best Paper Awards and Honorable
Mention Awards are also given to the top-rated 1% and 5% of papers
respectively. At the conference, one of the co-authors of each
paper then presents the work to an audience of people eager to
learn about the latest and greatest HCI research. However, as the
saying goes, all work and no play makes for a dull conference!
Fortunately at CHI, the evening schedule is just as packed as the
daytime program, with more receptions, events, and parties to
attend than there are hours in the night. This year the Korea HCI
party was particularly good, with excellent location, atmosphere,
and people. The free drinks and snacks also helped! All of this
gives me very high hopes for next year’s CHI 2015 in

This year though, CHI was held in the city
of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. CHI 2014 was the 32nd CHI
conference since its establishment in 1982 and larger and more
impressive than ever. Spanning six days including two days of
workshops, with up to fifteen parallel tracks to choose among, it
is always hard to decide which sessions to attend. Since not
everybody who is interested in HCI gets the chance to travel to
CHI, and not everybody who attends CHI gets to see more than a
small fraction of the overall program, I would like to share my
personal highlights, or CHIlights!

As I have already explained, you need to
work hard and play hard to make the most of CHI. It is also
important to learn from the experience of being in the audience, as
well as give your best effort if you are responsible for
presenting. However, working, playing, learning, and presenting are
not just things researchers do at conferences – they are
fundamental activities of human life. Since I have a special
interest in all four of these activities, I naturally seek out HCI
research that aims to transform these activities for the better.
This also makes these activities an appropriate framework with
which to present my personal experience of CHI 2014, which I’ll now
do in 20 projects.

More Efficient Desk Work

My first engagement at CHI 2014 was in a
workshop on the theme of “Peripheral
Interaction: Shaping the Research and Design
”. This was especially exciting for me since
I coined the term peripheral interaction with my 2008 PhD
dissertation on “Tangible
User Interfaces for Peripheral Interaction
”. In
my position paper [1], I refer back to my earlier
definitions of peripheral interaction as one in which users perform
fast, frequent interactions with objects on the periphery of their
workspace and attention, and propose a framework for describing the
qualities of peripheral interaction in general. These qualities are
more relevant than ever when considered in the context of a desktop
workspace; despite all the advances in mobile and ubiquitous
computing, we still spend a great deal of time working with
conventional PCs and laptops at desks and tables.

Several CHI projects attempt to make
desktop interaction more fluid and efficient, with two in
particular thinking about how to increase the utility of regular
keyboards. The first, Type-Hover-Swipe
[2], is a modified mechanical keyboard that can recognize hand
gestures both on and above the keys. This work by Stuart Taylor and
other colleagues from Microsoft Research Cambridge also has the
distinction of winning a Best Paper Award. The second keyboard
project, GestKeyboard
[3], can recognize stroking gestures across the keys of an
unmodified keyboard, in a way that can be seamlessly combined with
regular typing. The first author of this work, Haimo Zhang, was an
intern in the Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) HCI Group in

Jumping from the keyboard to the mouse,
Phillip Pasqual and Jacob Wobbrock have investigated how
Template Matching
[4] can be used to predict the
endpoint of a mouse pointing operation and make target selection
even easier. Phillip was an intern in the MSRA HCI Group in 2012.
Finally, Stephen Fitchett, an MSRA Fellowship winner and MSRA HCI
intern in 2010, conducted a longitudinal field evaluation of his
[5] system. The resulting paper won an
Honorable Mention Award for demonstrating improved desktop file
retrieval in real-world use. It is fair to say that past MSRA HCI
interns, along with our Microsoft Research colleagues in Cambridge,
are playing a significant role in inventing the desktop of the

More Embodied Play

While desk work is a traditional area of
interest for HCI, more recently there has been a shift towards the
design of interactions beyond the desktop context and for purposes
other than work. One of the most exciting trends in HCI right now
is exertion gaming, or exergaming, in which the benefits of
exercise, gaming, and social interaction are all be combined into a
single activity. There were three paper sessions at CHI 2014
dedicated to exergaming, as well as two workshops, a panel, and a
Special Interact Group (SIG). Much of the original and current work
in the area was conducted by Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, another past
MSRA Fellowship winner and MSRA HCI intern all the way back in
2009. Floyd and I have continued collaborating over these past five
years, with our CHI 2014 paper on Exertion
[6] helping to support the creative game
design process in workshop settings. The cards can help support the
design of concepts like the LumaHelm – an interactive bicycle
helmet expertly
in the Interactivity section of the
CHI 2014 program. This was a definite CHIlight!

Towards the exertion end of the exergaming
spectrum, the RecoFit
[7] system from Dan Morris and other colleagues at Microsoft
Research Redmond uses a wearable sensor to find, recognize, and
count repetitive exercises. This would make for a great exergaming
platform! The presentation by Dan and accompanying live demo by
coauthor Scott Saponas was also the most energized talk of the
conference, and rightly won a People’s Choice Best Talk Award.
Another movement-based system was also the winner of the
undergraduate Student Research Competition, which I had the
pleasure (and pressure) of judging. Kyongwon Seo’s project on
Autonomy-Based Rehabilitation Design [8] used the Microsoft Kinect
device along with elements of gamification to encourage people
recovering from stroke to continue their rehabilitation at home.
This was one of many innovative uses of Kinect to be showcased at
the conference.

Two further systems of particular interest
looked at more playful and embodied interaction, with the hands and
feet respectively. The first, VacuumTouch
[9], was the outcome of Taku Hachisu’s 2013 internship with MSRA
HCI researcher Masaaki Fukumoto. Their system is more attractive
than regular touch surfaces in one specific way – it uses an air
pump and solenoid air valves to move and immobilize the user’s
finger using the power of suction. Another playful twist on an
established interaction modality is the tangible interface from
Dominik Schmidt (MSRA HCI intern 2011) and collaborators – their
[10] system is a tangible interface operated with your feet. Even
after 32 years, HCI researchers are still inventing new ways for
use our bodily skills to act with technology, as well as new ways
for technology to act back at us through our full range of bodily
senses. After all, isn’t this what Human-Computer Interaction is
all about?

More Contextual Learning

As a researcher, I am constantly tracking
the state of the art in HCI and related fields so that I can
continue building my mental toolkit of models, methods, concepts,
theories, and frameworks. At conferences like CHI this is easy,
because all you have to do (during the paper sessions, at least) is
listen and learn from the top experts in the field. However, during
regular working life it is more difficult to find the time and
motivation to learn, because learning is hard. This doesn’t just
apply to esoteric academic theories, but to many areas of knowledge
and skill development. For example, in my previous research, I have
explored how “microlearning” in short, sparse fragments of free
time throughout the day could help people tackle the daunting but
desirable challenge of learning a second language. I saw several
promising projects at CHI 2014 that address the issue of lifelong
learning in real-world contexts.

Two papers in particular address the
challenge of contextual vocabulary learning. The first,
[11], provides interactive video
subtitles designed for language learners. The second,
[12], is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that can
automatically modify the user interface of existing software
applications, e.g., to translate UI labels and text into another
language. The first authors of these respective papers, Geza Kovacs
(first year PhD student, Stanford) and Xiaojun Meng (second year
PhD student, NUS), will both be joining me for internships in the
MSRA HCI Group this summer. We will be working hard on some
exciting projects that I hope you will see at CHI 2015 in Seoul!
This will also be the first time CHI is located in Asia, opening up
a whole new range of cultural and linguistic experiences for CHI
attendees. However, there are also likely to be several times for
each attendee where conversations are impeded by language
differences between native and non-native speakers. In one of three
related papers, 2010 MSRA HCI intern Ge Gao (now at Cornell
University) investigated the effects of sharing Automated
[13] on real-time multiparty
conversations. This could come in very handy not just in Seoul, but
in my day-to-day interactions in Beijing, since my British accent
is often hard for others to understand (although not as hard as my

In addition to learning domain-specific
knowledge and skills, it is also important to learn more general
strategies for managing your time and attention. In one project
funded by MSRA’s collaboration program with the Korean Ministry of
Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP), MSRA HCI researcher Koji
Yatani collaborated with colleagues from KAIST to explore how
college students were Hooked on
[14]. They found that students at
risk of addiction used their Smartphones for a daily average of 111
sessions totaling four hours of use. Not all of the participants
felt that they spent this time productively or with a clear purpose
in mind. One particular project that I thought offered an
interesting way to claim back some of this lost time for more
meaningful activities was the Work-In-Progress (WIP) on
Personal Tasks
[15] from Jaime Teevan and other
colleagues at Microsoft Research Redmond. This project helps people
to apply the methods of crowdsourcing to themselves by decomposing
large personal information tasks into manageable microtasks. Just
like microlearning, this can help to sustain user motivation and
engagement both throughout the day and over the long term. By
lowering the barrier to productive and purposeful mobile
interaction, these approaches could help make people feel like they
are more in control of their smartphone use, rather than feeling
like their smartphone has control over them.

More Engaging Presentations

As I mentioned earlier, one of the biggest
challenges of getting the most out of CHI is deciding which of the
many parallel tracks to attend. The decision-making process is
complicated further when talks relating to your interests are shown
in parallel sessions, meaning that you have to create an intricate
session-switching plan that inconveniences both you and the
presenters in each session. Researchers have long struggled with
the problem of scheduling conference sessions such that each
session has closely related talks and does not overlap with closely
related sessions. Now, Lydia Chilton and collaborators have now
helped streamline this process by harnessing the power of the crowd
– in particular, the crowd of Program Committee (PC) members at the
PC meeting in which papers are discussed and accepted for
publication (or not). Her Frenzy
[16] system won an Honorable Mention Award at CHI 2014 and builds
on earlier crowdsourcing work we collaborated on during her
internship in the MSRA HCI Group in 2011. It was also used to
create the grouping of papers into the sessions that formed the
final CHI 2014 conference program. I experienced the benefits of
Frenzy directly in the “Presentation Technologies” paper session,
since the system helped PC members to successfully group my two
presentation-based papers alongside a closely related paper from
our colleagues in Microsoft Research Redmond.

These three related papers cover the
challenging activities of planning the narrative structure of a
presentation (TurningPoint
[17]), preparing to deliver a presentation through structured
preparation and rehearsal (PitchPerfect
[18]), and performing a software demonstration to a live audience
and (DemoWiz
[19]). The presenters and first authors of the first two projects,
Larissa Pschetz and Ha Trinh respectively, were both MSRA HCI
interns in 2013 working with both Koji Yatani and me. Both papers
also won Honorable Mention Awards – well done Ha and Larissa! The
presenter and first author of the third project, Pei-Yun Chi, was
also a Microsoft Research intern working with Bongshin Lee and
Steven Drucker in the Redmond lab. Clearly, there is a lot of
presentation-related work happening within Microsoft that suggests
interesting new directions for products like PowerPoint. Stay

It is only fitting that the 20th
and final project represents great work that we can all learn from,
communicated through a playful and engaging presentation that won a
People’s Choice Best Talk Award. Proposing a new development model
for cross-device Web applications, and demonstrating this using a
presentation application and the latest wearable technologies, the
[20] project represents a significant step forward in how we think
about cross-device experiences. As the presenter Jishuo Yang
connected additional devices to his presentation application, the
components dynamically redistributed to ensure the best fit between
interface panels and interaction devices. In the end, Jishuo was
presenting with timing information and slide control on his watch,
speaking notes on his head-mounted display, the presentation slide
list on his mobile phone, and the current presentation slide on his
laptop connected to the projection screen. Overall, it was a very
impressive demonstration of powerful cross-device interaction
capabilities, enabled by relatively simple HTML extensions. This
work was conducted by Jishuo in collaboration with Microsoft
Research alumnus Daniel Wigdor at the University of Toronto,
meaning that they didn’t have to travel far to share their
far-reaching ideas.


This has been a summary of my CHI 2014
experience in 20 projects. When I started assembling this list I
was unsure whether I would be able to select 20 projects of
personal interest all with least some connection to Microsoft
Research. As it happens, I was able to choose 19, and the remaining
paper still used the Microsoft Kinect technology! Of these 20
projects, eight were archival Papers or Notes coauthored by
Microsoft Researchers. Among them, these eight papers received one
of the seven Best Paper Awards and two of the five Honorable
Mention Awards given to Microsoft Research papers at CHI 2014.
These eight papers also represent just one fifth of the 34 papers
coauthored by Microsoft Researchers in total, which represents a
substantial 7.5% of the final Papers and Notes program. This made
Microsoft Research the second-to-top institution in terms of total
papers at CHI 2014, narrowly surpassed by Carnegie Mellon
University with 38 papers. This isn’t too bad given that we divide
our time between advancing the state-of-the-art in research and
contributing to future generations of Microsoft products. And we
can always aim for the top spot at CHI 2015!

Finally, of these 20 projects, I am pleased
to say that 14 were from current members and past and future
interns of the MSRA HCI Group. It is always a pleasure to work with
outstanding interns on projects that make a contribution to
Microsoft, but it is especially rewarding to see these interns
growing as HCI researchers within the CHI community at large. I
would now like to conclude my CHI 20-14 report by thanking all of
our past interns for their great work. I would also like to thank
you, the reader, for using your Human-Computer Interaction skills
to make it to the end of this rather lengthy blog post. I hope you
found it interesting. Now, time to get back to work on projects for
CHI 2015.


 Darren Edge现任微软亚洲研究院人机交互组主管研究员。Darren的研究主要以设计为导向、注重对重要的人为活动在主观和抽象上分析,并希望能以此开发交互的系统帮助实现这些活动间更好的转换。他的研究兴趣集中在探索技术如何支持跨越不同领域的学习和沟通,如第二语言学习、体育锻炼类游戏、案头工作、和现场演示。




CHIP 2013: 人机交互领域那些令人兴奋的新技术





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