C++ 迷宫寻路问题
迷宫寻路应该是栈结构的一个非常经典的应用了, 最近看数据结构算法应用时看到了这个问题, 想起来在校求学时参加算法竞赛有遇到过相关问题, 感觉十分亲切, 在此求解并分享过程, 如有疏漏, 欢迎指正
问题描述: 非常简洁明了的问题, 即对于一个由1,0构成的矩阵, 找到一条用0连接起来的从(1,1)到(10,10)的路径
思路: 用栈结构存储路径, 每经过一个点, 将点坐标存入栈, 并在矩阵中将此坐标点值置1, 循环直至找到点(10,10), 若中途没找到可以继续前进的点且栈为空, 则说明当前迷宫无解
- #include <iostream>
- #include <stack>
- //坐标
- typedef struct _struct_pos
- {
- _struct_pos()
- {
- x = ;
- y = ;
- }
- int x;
- int y;
- }Pos;
- //地图
- int g_maze_arr[][] = {{,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,},
- {,,,,,,,,,,,}};
- //路径栈
- std::stack<Pos> g_stack_path;
- /***************************************************************
- *
- */
- void print_pos(const Pos &pos)
- {
- std::cout << "[" << pos.x
- << "," << pos.y
- << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- //检查出口
- bool find_next(const Pos &curr_pos, Pos &next_pos)
- {
- //当前坐标
- int x = curr_pos.x;
- int y = curr_pos.y;
- //生成四个方向的坐标
- Pos top, down, left, right;
- top.x = x;
- top.y = y - ;
- down.x = x;
- down.y = y + ;
- left.x = x - ;
- left.y = y;
- right.x = x + ;
- right.y = y;
- //判断四个方向有无通路
- if (g_maze_arr[top.x][top.y] == )
- {
- next_pos.x = top.x;
- next_pos.y = top.y;
- std::cout << "find way : ";
- print_pos(next_pos);
- return true;
- }
- else if (g_maze_arr[down.x][down.y] == )
- {
- next_pos.x = down.x;
- next_pos.y = down.y;
- std::cout << "find way : ";
- print_pos(next_pos);
- return true;
- }
- else if (g_maze_arr[left.x][left.y] == )
- {
- next_pos.x = left.x;
- next_pos.y = left.y;
- std::cout << "find way : ";
- print_pos(next_pos);
- return true;
- }
- else if (g_maze_arr[right.x][right.y] == )
- {
- next_pos.x = right.x;
- next_pos.y = right.y;
- std::cout << "find way : ";
- print_pos(next_pos);
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout << "no way find in :";
- print_pos(curr_pos);
- return false;
- }
- }
- //寻找路径
- bool find_path()
- {
- Pos st_curr_pos, st_next_pos;
- //起点
- st_curr_pos.x = ;
- st_curr_pos.y = ;
- g_maze_arr[][] = ;
- //不为终点坐标,继续查找路径
- while ((st_curr_pos.x != ) || (st_curr_pos.y != ))
- {
- //找到下一路径
- if (find_next(st_curr_pos, st_next_pos))
- {
- //记录下一个位置并置标记为1
- g_stack_path.push(st_next_pos);
- st_curr_pos = st_next_pos;
- g_maze_arr[st_next_pos.x][st_next_pos.y] = ;
- }
- //无路可走
- else
- {
- //路径栈为空,且无路可退,此迷宫无解
- if (g_stack_path.empty())
- {
- return false;
- }
- //根据栈内信息,回退一步
- else
- {
- st_curr_pos = g_stack_path.top();
- g_stack_path.pop();
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- //输出路径
- void print_path()
- {
- while (!g_stack_path.empty())
- {
- Pos st_curr_pos = g_stack_path.top();
- std::cout << "[" << st_curr_pos.x
- << "," << st_curr_pos.y
- << "]" << std::endl;
- g_stack_path.pop();
- }
- }
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