@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title ::rename tool
color 0a
dir /b *.png >png.txt
(for /f %%i in (png.txt) do (
rem echo %%~ni
set /p newName=
echo %%~ni.png !newName!.png
))<criterion.txt pause
@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title ::rename tool
color 0a
rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
rem OneKeyRename.bat
rem By zhzw @2017/5/4
rem Version: 1.2
rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ set /p folderName=InputFolderName:
set /p code=InputCountryCode:
for /f "delims=- tokens=2" %%i in (criterion.txt) do (
set "update=%code%_%%i"
echo !update!>>temp.txt
rem 也可以这样写
rem for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b "%~dp0*.png"') do (echo %%a)
(for /r %cd% %%j in (*.png) do (
set /p newName=
ren "%%~nj.png" "!newName!.png"
))<temp.txt del %cd%\temp.txt
rem md or mkdir
mkdir "%cd%\%folderName%"
move "%cd%\*.png" "%cd%\%folderName%"
echo OK !
@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title ::rename tool
color 0a
rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
rem OneKeyRename.bat
rem By zhzw @2017/5/20
rem Version: 1.3
rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ set /p code=InputCountryCode:
rem ping -n 2 >nul
rem findstr "CN" name.txt | cmd /v /c "set /p var=&echo !var!"
findstr "/c:-%code%" name.txt
rem 简单理解为 0表示成功,1表示失败
if not %errorlevel%== 0 (
echo Not exist ! &goto :end
) else (
for /f %%i in ('findstr "/c:-%code%" name.txt') do (
echo Create folder ...
if exist %%i (
echo The folder exist !
) else (
mkdir "%cd%\%%i"
echo Rename files ...
rem call调用后,%%i处于关闭状态,先保存%%i再使用%1调用
rem 或者在call前面set一个变量来保存%%i,然后再来调用这个变量
call :rename %%i
echo Move files ...
del "%cd%\temp.txt"
move "%cd%\*.png" "%cd%\%1" 1>nul
echo OK
goto :end
for /f "delims=- tokens=2" %%j in (criterion.txt) do (
set "update=%code%_%%j"
echo !update!>>temp.txt
( for /r %cd% %%k in (*.png) do (
rem 使用call时,需要注意循环。可能会出现死循环,需要跳出for循环
set /a a+=1
set /p newName=
ren "%%~nk.png" "!newName!.png"
if !a! == 11 goto :move
timeout /t 2 &exit
No4.来个最终版本,从android设备中提取图片(存在9.10.11张图才会进行重命名),从name.txt中获取folder名字并创建folder,且把重命名的文件放入folder中.当然相应的也需要稍微修改criterion.txt中的数据.( ^S*.*g 注意不需要加双引号,匹配Screenshots.png 或者Screenshots.jpg等的图片)
@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title Import-and-Rename
color 0a
@mode con lines=35 cols=75
set a=0
set b=0
set c=0
color 0a
rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
rem OneKeyImportRename.bat
rem By zhzw @2017/5/22
rem Version: 1.4
rem +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
echo 注意事项!!!
echo 1.截图必须为criterion.txt对应的顺序
echo 2.打开USB,连接设备,勾选总是允许USB调试.输入code(如:US)即可.
echo 3.若运行中出现异常请根据提示操作(不要操作criterion.txt,name.txt文件).
echo ==================================== end ================================ rem ======================================================================
color 0a
set /p code=InputCountryCode:
findstr "/c:-%code%" name.txt >nul
if not %errorlevel%== 0 (
color 0d
echo Not exist. Please reenter
ping -n 3 >nul
goto :input
) else (
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('findstr "/c:-%code%" name.txt') do (
set "i=%%i"
if not exist %cd%\%%i (
echo Create folder ...
echo folder name = %%i
mkdir "%cd%\%%i"
echo Create successful!
) else (
echo Create folder ...
echo This folder already exists!
echo Do you want to overwrite this folder ?
echo "Yes" Please press Enter Key to continue.
echo "NO" Please close this window.
pause >nul
rem 因为%%i中存在空格.传递参数时,会以空格为准,出现多个参数.
rem call :rename %%i
rem :move
rem echo %1
rem ---------------------------------------------------
call :rename
echo Rename successful!
del "%cd%\temp.txt"
echo Move files ...
move "%cd%\*.png" "%cd%\!i!" 1>nul
echo It's OK
goto :end1
rem ========================================================================
adb devices|findstr "device$" 1>nul 2>nul
if not %errorlevel%== 0 (
echo Devices not connected !
echo Please check whether the USB is turned on.
goto :end2
echo Import screenshots into the current folder ...
rem You need to pay attention to the version of adb
rem adb pull /sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots/ "%cd%" 1>nul 2>nul
adb pull /sdcard/Pictures/Screenshots/ "%cd%" 1>nul 2>nul
ping -n 3 >nul
if not exist %cd%\^S*.*g (
echo Import pictures failure !
echo Please check the "allow the debug?" whether always allow?&goto :end2
rem Count the number of pictures.
for /f %%i in ('dir /b %cd%\^S*.*g') do (
set /a a+=1
if %a% equ 9 (
echo Successfully import %a% pictures !
rem Modify code and Transfer new names to temp.txt
for /f "eol=. delims=- tokens=2" %%j in (criterion.txt) do (
set "update=%code%_%%j"
echo !update!>>temp.txt
echo Rename files ...
rem Using adb pull pictures is ascending sort
rem Using /r or /f is descending sort (dir /b /od)
( for /r %cd% %%k in (^S*.*g) do (
set /a b+=1
set /p newName=
echo %%~nxk --^>"!newName!.png"
ren %%~nxk "!newName!.png"
if !b! == %a% goto :move
) else (
if %a% equ 10 (
echo Successfully import %a% pictures !
for /f "delims=- tokens=2" %%j in (criterion.txt) do (
set /a c+=1
if !c! == 11 (
set update=""
) else (
set update=%code%_%%j
echo !update!>>temp.txt
echo Rename files ...
( for /r %cd% %%k in (^S*.*g) do (
set /a b+=1
set /p newName=
echo %%~nxk --^>"!newName!.png"
ren %%~nxk "!newName!.png"
if !b! == %a% goto :move
) else (
if %a% equ 11 (
echo Successfully import %a% pictures !
for /f "delims=- tokens=2" %%j in (criterion.txt) do (
set update=%code%_%%j
echo !update!>>temp.txt
echo Rename files ...
( for /r %cd% %%k in (^S*.*g) do (
set /a b+=1
set /p newName=
echo %%~nxk --^>"!newName!.png"
ren %%~nxk "!newName!.png"
if !b! == %a% goto :move
) else (
color 0d
echo Successfully import %a% pictures !
echo The total number of pictures is error!
echo Please check the total number of pictures.&goto :end2
rem =========================================================================
timeout /t 5 &goto :comment
echo Please operate according to the prompt.
timeout /t 10 &goto :comment
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