Velocity 快捷键
Keyboard Shortcuts
The following shortcuts are available anywhere within the main docset search and browse view.
Combination | Description |
Win+Ctrl+V | Version 1.1.3 and later: When Velocity is running, brings the Window to the front with the cursor in the search docsets box. |
Ctrl+E | Move the keyboard focus to the search docsets box. |
Ctrl+F | Begins a find in page search. |
Alt+左 | Navigate back a page. |
Alt+右 | Navigate forward a page. |
Ctrl+Tab | Switch the keyboard focus between the content/search view and the browser view. |
Alt | Hold to reveal the ribbon menu key tips |
Win+Ctrl+E | Version 1.1.2 and earlier: When Velocity is running, brings the Window to the front with the cursor in the search docsets box. |
Simply start to type what you want to search for and results will appear as you type.
Docset Keyword Filters
To activate a docset filter simply type the keyword followed by a : at the start of the text. The keyword will be replaced by the docset filter dropdown and the icon for the active docset will be displayed. This filter can be removed by pressing backspace when the cursor is next to the filter.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Combination | Description |
下 | Move from the search box into the results and down from one result to the next. |
上 | Move up from one result to the next or into the search box from the results. |
Esc | Cancel the current search and clear the search text. |
Ctrl-Backspace | Delete the previous word |
Find In Page
Keyboard Shortcuts
Combination | Description |
F3 | Move to the next location of matching text. |
Shift-F3 | Move to the next location of matching text. |
Enter | Open the currently selected item in the browser view. |
Esc | Cancel the current search and clear the search text. |
Library Contents
Keyboard Shortcuts
Combination | Description |
下 | Move down an item. |
上 | Move up an item. |
左 | Collapse the children of the current item or move to the parrent if collapsed. |
右 | Expand the children of the current item or move the first child if expanded. |
Enter | Open the currently selected item in the browser view. |
Alt | Hold to reveal the ribbon menu key tips |
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