题意是说求出在一天中时针、分针、秒针之间距离均在 D 度以上的时间占比。



 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const double hm = 11.0/;//时针分针相对角速度hm = m - h = 360/3600 - 360/(12*3600) = 11/120
const double hs = 719.0/;//时针秒针相对角速度hs = s - h = 360/60 - 360/(12*3600) = 719/120
const double ms = 59.0/;//分针秒针相对角速度ms = s - m = 360/60 - 360/3600 = 59/10
const double thm = 43200.0/;//thm = 360/hm = 43200/11
const double ths = 43200.0/;//ths = 360/hs = 43200/719
const double tms = 3600.0/;//tms = 360/ms = 3600/59
const double eps = 1e-;
double max(double a,double b,double c)
if(a>b) return a>c?a:c;
return b>c?b:c;
double min(double a,double b,double c)
if(a<b) return a<c?a:c;
return b<c?b:c;
int main()
int deg;
double from1,from2,from3,to1,to2,to3,x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,st,ed,ans;
if(deg==-) break;
from1 = deg/hm;
from2 = deg/hs;
from3 = deg/ms;
to1 = (-deg)/hm;
to2 = (-deg)/hs;
to3 = (-deg)/ms;
ans = 0.0;
for(x1 = from1, y1 = to1; y1 <= +eps; x1+=thm, y1+=thm)
for(x2 = from2, y2 = to2; y2 <= +eps; x2+=ths, y2+=ths)
if(x2>y1) break;
for(x3 = from3, y3 = to3; y3 <= +eps; x3+=tms, y3+=tms)
if(x3>y1 || x3>y2) break;
st = max(x1,x2,x3);
ed = min(y1,y2,y3);
if(st<ed) ans+=ed-st;
return ;

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