
  1. scrapy startproject Jobs
  2. cd Jobs
  3. scrapy genspider ZhaopinSpider www.zhaopin.com
  4. scrapy crawl ZhaopinSpider
  5. pip install diskcache
  6. pip install tinydb
  7. scrapy crawl ZhaopinSpider -o chongqing.json



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import json from tinydb import TinyDB, Query
from furl import furl
import scrapy class ZhaopinspiderSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'ZhaopinSpider'
allowed_domains = ['www.zhaopin.com', 'sou.zhaopin.com', 'fe-api.zhaopin.com']
start_urls = ['https://www.zhaopin.com/citymap']
cache_db = TinyDB('ZhaopinSpider-cache.json') # 缓存数据库
allowed_cities = ['重庆', ]# '成都', '上海', '深圳', '昆明', '杭州', '贵阳', '宁波'] ## 允许的城市
F = furl('https://fe-api.zhaopin.com/c/i/sou?pageSize=90&kt=3') # URL母版
PAGE_SIZE = 90 # 分页大小 def get_city_code(self, city_name):
Q = Query()
city = self.cache_db.get(Q.name.search(city_name))
if isinstance(city, dict):
return city['code']
print('@' * 100)
print(type(city)) def init_city_info(self, response):
# 取源码
script_text = response.xpath('//script[text()[contains(., "__INITIAL_STATE__")]]/text()').extract_first()
# 去收尾空格
script_text = script_text.strip()
# 预处理为符合json规范的数据
script_json = script_text[script_text.index('=') + 1:]
# 将json字符串转为字典
script_dict = json.loads(script_json)
# 存储取得的json, 便于调试查看
with open('text.json', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
json.dump(script_dict, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
city_list = [] # 存储城市列表
# 将字典中的城市提取到列表中,便于查找
for ch in script_dict['cityList']['cityMapList']:
# 筛选出重庆,并获取城市码
city_code = (list(filter(lambda city: city['name'] == '重庆', city_list)) or [{'code': None}])[0]['code']
for ch in script_dict['cityList']['cityMapList']:
for city in script_dict['cityList']['cityMapList'][ch]:
self.cache_db.insert(city) def parse(self, response):
# if not os.path.exists('ZhaopinSpider-cache.json'):
if not bool(self.eache_db.all()):
# 迭代每一个要爬取的城市
for city_name in self.allowed_cities:
# 启动 爬取某个城市 第一个请求
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
yield self.request_city(city_name) def request_city(self, city_name, page_start=0):
'''构造 爬取某个具体的城市 的请求对象'''
city_code = self.get_city_code(city_name)
url_data = {
'cityId': city_code,
'kw': 'python',
'start': page_start
# 要爬取的页面的URL
url = self.F.copy().add(url_data).url
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
req = scrapy.Request(url, callback=self.parse_city, dont_filter=False)
# 使用 meta 传递附加数据,在 callback 中可以通过 respo.meta 取得
req.meta['city_name'] = city_name
req.meta['page_start'] = page_start
return req def parse_city(self, response):
# 解析json格式的响应结果
resp_dict = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
# 总共所能爬取的条数
num_found = resp_dict['data']['numFound']
# 获取当前请求的 page_start
page_start = response.meta['page_start']
# 下一次请求,需要的 start 参数
next_start = page_start + self.PAGE_SIZE
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
# 判断是否有下一页
if next_start < num_found:
# 获取当前请求的 城市名
city_name = response.meta['city_name']
# 发送下一页请求
yield self.request_city(city_name, page_start=next_start)
# 解析数据
for item in resp_dict['data']['results']:
# TODO: 解析数据,只取我们需要的信息
item['spiderName'] = self.name
# 返回每一条数据
yield item

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