D - The Lucky Week

Edward, the headmaster of the Marjar University, is very busy every day and always forgets the date.

There was one day Edward suddenly found that if Monday was the 1st, 11th or 21st day of that month, he could remember the date clearly in that week. Therefore, he called such week "The Lucky Week".

But now Edward only remembers the date of his first Lucky Week because of the age-related memory loss, and he wants to know the date of the N-th Lucky Week. Can you help him?


There are multiple test cases. The first line of input is an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The only line contains four integers YMD and N (1 ≤ N ≤ 109) indicating the date (Y: year, M: month, D: day) of the Monday of the first Lucky Week and the Edward's query N.

The Monday of the first Lucky Week is between 1st Jan, 1753 and 31st Dec, 9999 (inclusive).

<h4< dd="">Output

For each case, print the date of the Monday of the N-th Lucky Week.

<h4< dd="">Sample Input

2016 4 11 2
2016 1 11 10

<h4< dd="">Sample Output

2016 7 11
2017 9 11


题目大意:幸运的星期指,星期一为每个月的1 or 11 or 21号。给出第一个幸运星期的时间,问第n个的日期


然后是循环节找了很久。。 循环节为400 知道了循环节就比较好写了,还有就是求年份比较绕。每400年里有2058这样的特殊天。

using namespace std;
struct node
int y, m, d;
int xq(int x)
x = x % ;
if (x == ) return ;
else return x;
int f(int yy)
if (yy % == || (yy % != && yy % == ))
return ;
else return ;
int main()
int y = ;
int m = , d = ;
int x = ;
int k = ;
node a;
a.y = ;
a.m = ;
a.d = ;
for (int i = ; i <= ; i++)//打表
while ()
if (d == )
if (m == || m == || m == || m == || m == || m == || m == )
x = xq(x + );
else if (m != )
x = xq(x + );
if (f(y)) x = xq(x + );
else x = xq(x + );
if (m == )
m = ;
d = ;
d = ;
if (x == )
node a;
a.y = y;
a.m = m;
a.d = d;
if (d == || d == )
d = d + ;
x = xq(x + );
if (x == )
node a;
a.y = y;
a.m = m;
a.d = d;
/*for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
cout << i + 1 << " " << v[i].y << " " << v[i].m << " " << v[i].d << endl;
int t;
scanf("%d", &t);
while (t--)
int y, m, d, n;
scanf("%d %d %d %d",&y,&m,&d,&n);
int x;
x = n / ;
n= n % ; int yy = y;
while (y >= )
y = y - ;
for (int i = ; i < v.size(); i++)
if (v[i].y == y&&v[i].m==m&&v[i].d==d)
printf("%d %d %d\n", v[i+n].y+yy-y+x*, v[i + n].m, v[i + n].d);
} }
return ;

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