# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
class Node:
def __init__(self, initdata):
self.data = initdata
self.next = None def getData(self):
return self.data def getNext(self):
return self.next def setData(self, newdata):
self.data = newdata def setNext(self, newnext):
self.next = newnext class UnorderedList:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None def isEmpty(self):
return self.head == None def add(self, item):
temp = Node(item)
self.head = temp def size(self):
current = self.head
count = 0
while current != None:
count = count + 1
current = current.getNext()
return count def travel(self):
current = self.head
while current != None:
print current.getData()
current = current.getNext() def search(self, item):
current = self.head
found = False
while current != None and not found:
if current.getData() == item:
found = True
current = current.getNext()
return found def remove(self, item):
current = self.head
previous = None
found = False
while not found:
if current.getData() == item:
found = True
previous = current
current = current.getNext()
if previous == None:
self.head = current.getNext()
previous.setNext(current.getNext()) def append(self, item):
temp = Node(item)
if self.isEmpty():
self.head = temp
current = self.head
while current.getNext() != None:
current = current.getNext()
current.setNext(temp) def index(self, item):
current = self.head
count = 0
found = False
while current != None and not found:
count += 1
if current.getData() == item:
found = True
current = current.getNext()
if found:
return count
raise ValueError, '%s is not in this unorderedList' %item def insert(self, pos, item):
if pos <= 1:
elif pos > self.size():
temp = Node(item)
count = 1
previous = None
current = self.head
while count < pos:
count += 1
previous = current
current = current.getNext()
temp.setNext(current) if __name__ == '__main__':
t = UnorderedList()
for i in range(10):
print t.size()
print t.search(5)
print t.index(3)
t.insert(2, 12)

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