* Compilation: javac EvaluateDeluxe.java
* Execution: java EvaluateDeluxe
* Dependencies: Stack.java
* Evaluates arithmetic expressions using Dijkstra's two-stack algorithm.
* Handles the following binary operators: +, -, *, / and parentheses.
* % echo "3 + 5 * 6 - 7 * ( 8 + 5 )" | java EvaluateDeluxe
* -58.0
* Limitiations
* --------------
* - can easily add additional operators and precedence orders, but they
* must be left associative (exponentiation is right associative)
* - assumes whitespace between operators (including parentheses)
* Remarks
* --------------
* - can eliminate second phase if we enclose input expression
* in parentheses (and, then, could also remove the test
* for whether the operator stack is empty in the inner while loop)
* - see http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/11precedence/ for
* operator precedence in Java
******************************************************************************/ import java.util.TreeMap; public class EvaluateDeluxe { // result of applying binary operator op to two operands val1 and val2
public static double eval(String op, double val1, double val2) {
if (op.equals("+")) return val1 + val2;
if (op.equals("-")) return val1 - val2;
if (op.equals("/")) return val1 / val2;
if (op.equals("*")) return val1 * val2;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid operator");
} public static void main(String[] args) { // precedence order of operators
TreeMap<String, Integer> precedence = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
precedence.put("(", 0); // for convenience with algorithm
precedence.put(")", 0);
precedence.put("+", 1); // + and - have lower precedence than * and /
precedence.put("-", 1);
precedence.put("*", 2);
precedence.put("/", 2); Stack<String> ops = new Stack<String>();
Stack<Double> vals = new Stack<Double>(); while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) { // read in next token (operator or value)
String s = StdIn.readString(); // token is a value
if (!precedence.containsKey(s)) {
} // token is an operator
while (true) { // the last condition ensures that the operator with higher precedence is evaluated first
if (ops.isEmpty() || s.equals("(") || (precedence.get(s) > precedence.get(ops.peek()))) {
} // evaluate expression
String op = ops.pop(); // but ignore left parentheses
if (op.equals("(")) {
assert s.equals(")");
} // evaluate operator and two operands and push result onto value stack
else {
double val2 = vals.pop();
double val1 = vals.pop();
vals.push(eval(op, val1, val2));
} // finished parsing string - evaluate operator and operands remaining on two stacks
while (!ops.isEmpty()) {
String op = ops.pop();
double val2 = vals.pop();
double val1 = vals.pop();
vals.push(eval(op, val1, val2));
} // last value on stack is value of expression
assert vals.isEmpty();
assert ops.isEmpty();


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