


"use strict";

* Author: Atte Virtanen
* Initial version: 22.6.2014
* Description:
* An eyePhone/eyeOS like "Roller"/"Spinner" javascript selection control
* License:
* MIT License
* Version:
* 0.9
*/ /***
* Method: "RollerSelector": Creates a roller selector object for the div, which id is given as a param.
* Args:
* "div_element_id": the element inside which the roller goes
* "options" object with the following properties:
* array_values: values in the list (all values must be unique)
* selected_value: selected value
* line_height_px: the options.height_px of an item in the list in pixels
* value_has_changed_callback: a function, which is called when the selection has changed, gets as an argument the selected value
* the following params are not required:
* initial_value_can_be_null: the options.selected_value at the beginning can be null (must be changed by user, to get a value)
* oheight_px and options.width_px: integers in pixels (not required -> see beginning of function)
* array_texts: if the values don't want to be shown but texts instead of them
* show_square_brackets_on_selection: [ ] characters show the selection (no css needed)
* Example:
* var options =
* {
* array_values: ["id of apple","id of orange","id of kiwi","id of pineapple"],
* selected_value: null,
* line_height_px: 35, //px
* value_has_changed_callback: on_roller_selector_2_change, // a function (selected value comes as arg)
* initial_value_can_be_null: true, // not required
* height_px: 125, //px not required
* width_px: 100, //px not required
* array_texts: ["apple","orange","kiwi","pineapple"], // not required
* selected_value_if_value_null: "id of orange", // not required
* show_square_brackets_on_selection: false // not required
* }
* Returns:
* the roller selector object (which has val() and val(selected_value) methods)
function RollerSelector(div_element_id, options)
//Global consts
var DEFAULT_WIDTH = 120; //px
var DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 4; //rows //"validation" before setting defaults
if(options.array_values.length < 1)
throw "At least one value must be given in the values array (options.array_values)"; setDefaults(); if(options.array_texts.length != options.array_values.length)
throw "The amount of values (options.array_values) and texts (options.array_texts) is different"; var value_has_changed = false;
var offY = 0; var draggableDivId = div_element_id + "_draggable";
var index_of_sel_val = options.array_values.indexOf(options.selected_value); //simply if value is null then the first value is selected (although the callback has not been called and therefore a selection has not been made)
if(index_of_sel_val == -1 && options.initial_value_can_be_null === true && options.selected_value === null)
index_of_sel_val = 0; if(index_of_sel_val == -1)
throw "Selected value ("+options.selected_value+") is not contained in the options.array_values. If you want the initial value to be null, then set initial_value_can_be_null = true and selected_value_if_value_null = value shown as selected in the beginning (val() still returns null)."; //set the selection in the middle of the control
var selection_offset = 0.5 * (options.height_px - options.line_height_px);
//offset depending on the selected item at start
var offset_at_start = selection_offset - index_of_sel_val * options.line_height_px;
var len_array_values = options.array_values.length;
//the height (px) of all items together (for stopping)
var values_height = options.line_height_px * (len_array_values - 1);
var jquery_obj = $("#" + div_element_id); render();
initializeDragEvents(); /***
* Private methods:
*/ function setDefaults()
var default_options =
/* required:
array_values: [],
selected_value: null,
line_height_px: 35, //px
value_has_changed_callback: on_roller_selector_2_change, // a function (selected value comes as arg)
initial_value_can_be_null: false, // not required
height_px: options.line_height_px * DEFAULT_HEIGHT, //px not required
width_px: DEFAULT_WIDTH, //px not required
array_texts: options.array_values, // not required
selected_value_if_value_null: options.array_values[0], // not required
show_square_brackets_on_selection: true // not required
}; options = $.extend(default_options, options || {}); } function render()
"height":'' + options.height_px + 'px',
"width":'' + options.width_px + 'px',
"white-space": "nowrap",
"webkit-touch-callout": "none",
"-webkit-user-select": "none",
"-khtml-user-select": "none",
"-moz-user-select": "none",
"-ms-user-select": "none",
"user-select": "none",
); //这里构造html
var str_html = "<div id='"+draggableDivId+"' class='roller_selector_roller' " +
offset_at_start+"px;line-height:"+options.line_height_px+"px;'>"; //循环数组里面的选项
for(var i in options.array_texts){
str_html+="<div id='#"+i+"div' "+"style='border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD;border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;height:"+options.line_height_px+"px;'"+"line-height:"+ options.line_height_px+"px;'"+"margin-bottom: 5px;'>";
str_html += "<span id='#"+i+"' style='color:#4A444E ;font-size: 30px'>" + options.array_texts[i] + "</span>"+(i < (len_array_values - 1) ? "<br />" : "");
str_html+="<div id='#"+i+"div'"+"style='height:"+(options.line_height_px-10)+"px;line-height:"+(options.line_height_px-10)+"px;margin-bottom:5px;'>";
str_html += "<span id=#"+i+" style='font-size: 20px;color: #B0AEAF'>" + options.array_texts[i] + "</span>"+(i < (len_array_values - 1) ? "<br />" : "");
} str_html += "</div>";
//get maximum width of item text for setting the square_brackets distance
//from each other
var max_value_str_length = 0;
for(var i in options.array_texts)
var str_length = options.array_texts[i].toString().length;
if(str_length > max_value_str_length)
max_value_str_length = str_length;
} str_html += "<div style='position:absolute;top:"+selection_offset+"px;line-height:"+options.line_height_px+"px;text-align:center;width:100%;'>" +
"<div style='margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:"+ (max_value_str_length + DEFAULT_INDICATOR_PADDING * 2) + "em;" +
"position:relative;height:"+options.line_height_px+"px;max-width:"+options.width_px+"px'>" +
"<div style='position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;'>[</div>" +
"<div style='position:absolute;right:0px;top:0px;'>]</div>" +
"</div>" +
} str_html += "<div class='roller_selector_glass' style='position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:" + options.width_px + "px;height:" + options.height_px + "px;'>" +
"</div>"; jquery_obj.html(str_html);
} function initializeDragEvents()
//take away the default movement of the draggable feature of jquery ui
drag: function(event, ui) {
ui.position.top = 0;
ui.position.left = 0;
// 滑动开始的时候调用
function (e)
var div = $('#' + draggableDivId)[0];
offY = e.clientY-parseInt(div.offsetTop);
function (e)
var div = $('#' + draggableDivId)[0];
var pos = e.clientY - offY;
if(pos > selection_offset)
pos = selection_offset;
else if(pos < selection_offset - values_height)
pos = selection_offset - values_height;
div.style.top = '' + pos + 'px';
// 滑动结束的时候调用 返回一个滑动的结果
function (e)
{ var div = $('#' + draggableDivId)[0];
offY = parseInt(div.offsetTop) - 0.5 * options.line_height_px;
var diff = offY - selection_offset;
offY = offY - (diff % options.line_height_px);
div.style.top = offY + 'px';
var selected_value_index = Math.round(-(offY - selection_offset) / options.line_height_px);
var selected_value1 = options.array_values[selected_value_index];
for(var i in options.array_values){
var sapn_select=document.getElementById("#"+i+"");
var div_select=document.getElementById("#"+i+"div");
if(selected_value_index==i){ $(sapn_select).css("color","#4A444E");
$(div_select).css("border-bottom","1px solid #DDDDDD");
$(div_select).css("border-top","1px solid #DDDDDD");
$(div_select).css("border-top","none"); } } value_has_changed = true;
//这里我把返回的结果改成了 数组中的第几个元素options.value_has_changed_callback(selected_value_index);
} /***
* Public methods:
*/ /***
* Method: sets (if an argument is given) the selected value of the RollerSelector object
* gets (if no argument is given) the selected value
* Note: Setting the value using this method does not call the options.value_has_changed_callback-method
* Args:
* options.selected_value: the value, which is selected (if not given returns the selected value)
* Returns:
* the selected value (if no argument is given)
this.val = function(selected_value1)
if(typeof selected_value1 != 'undefined')
var index = options.array_values.indexOf(selected_value1);
var div = $('#' + draggableDivId)[0];
var pos = selection_offset - index * options.line_height_px;
div.style.top = pos + 'px'; //well this depends on the usage whether the programmatically changed value
//actually changes the value gotten
value_has_changed = true;
if(!value_has_changed && options.selected_value == null)
return null; var div = $('#' + draggableDivId)[0];
var pos = parseInt(div.offsetTop) - 0.5 * options.line_height_px;
var diff = pos - selection_offset;
pos = pos - (diff % options.line_height_px);
var selected_value_index = Math.round(-(pos - selection_offset) / options.line_height_px);
var selected_value1 = options.array_values[selected_value_index];
return selected_value1;
if(typeof selected_value1 != 'undefined')
var index = options.array_values.indexOf(selected_value1);
var div = $('#' + draggableDivId)[0];
var pos = selection_offset - index * options.line_height_px;
div.style.top = pos + 'px'; //well this depends on the usage whether the programmatically changed value
//actually changes the value gotten
value_has_changed = true;
if(!value_has_changed && options.selected_value == null)
return null; var div = $('#' + draggableDivId)[0];
var pos = parseInt(div.offsetTop) - 0.5 * options.line_height_px;
var diff = pos - selection_offset;
pos = pos - (diff % options.line_height_px);
var selected_value_index = Math.round(-(pos - selection_offset) / options.line_height_px);
//var selected_value1 = options.array_values[selected_value_index];
return selected_value_index;
} }
} /***
* Add RollerSelector to the jquery object (for people who like the jquery syntax)
*/ /***
* Method: "rollerSelector": Creates a roller selector inside the "jQuery selected" element (should be div and ONLY ONE ELEMENT AT A TIME)
* Args:
* "options" object with the following properties:
* array_values: values in the list (all values must be unique)
* selected_value: selected value
* line_height_px: the options.height_px of an item in the list in pixels
* value_has_changed_callback: a function, which is called when the selection has changed, gets as an argument the selected value
* the following params are not required:
* initial_value_can_be_null: the options.selected_value at the beginning can be null (must be changed by user, to get a value)
* oheight_px and options.width_px: integers in pixels (not required -> see beginning of function)
* array_texts: if the values don't want to be shown but texts instead of them
* show_square_brackets_on_selection: [ ] characters show the selection (no css needed)
* Example:
* var options =
* {
* array_values: ["id of apple","id of orange","id of kiwi","id of pineapple"],
* selected_value: null,
* line_height_px: 35, //px
* value_has_changed_callback: on_roller_selector_2_change, // a function (selected value comes as arg)
* initial_value_can_be_null: true, // not required
* height_px: 125, //px not required
* width_px: 100, //px not required
* array_texts: ["apple","orange","kiwi","pineapple"], // not required
* selected_value_if_value_null: "id of orange", // not required
* show_square_brackets_on_selection: false // not required
* }
* Returns:
* the roller selector object (which has val() and val(selected_value) methods)
$.fn.rollerSelector = function rollerSelector(options)
var J_QUERY_DATA_KEY = 'rollerSelector'; if(this.length != 1)
throw "rollerSelector can only be applied to a single element at a time. Select only one element at a time to apply the rollerSelector!"; var element = this;
//if is created already, return created object
if (element.data(J_QUERY_DATA_KEY))
return element.data(J_QUERY_DATA_KEY); var elem_id = element.attr('id');
var rs = new RollerSelector(elem_id, options);
//set jQuery element data
element.data(J_QUERY_DATA_KEY, rs);
return rs;




<div id="roller_selector_2"  >


$scope.onRollerSelector2Change=function onRollerSelector2Change(new_value)
//not very optimally done on every change:
// $('.a_styled_roller_selector > .roller_selector_glass').css('background-image', 'url(roller_static_top.png)'); // $("#roller_selector_value_2").html(new_value);
// $('#roller_selector_2').rollerSelector().val($scope.PayItemList[new_value]);
// $scope.SelectPayItem=$scope.PayItemList[new_value];
// alert(new_value); };
$scope.setRollerSelector2Value=function setRollerSelector2Value(new_value)
//not very optimally done on every change:
// $('.a_styled_roller_selector > .roller_selector_glass').css('background-image', 'url(roller_static_top.png)'); //note, this does not call back on onRollerSelector2Change


$scope.options_2 ={
array_values: [],
selected_value: '西单',
line_height_px: 50, //px
value_has_changed_callback: $scope.onRollerSelector2Change,
initial_value_can_be_null: false,
height_px: 200, //px
width_px: 300, //px
// array_texts: ["北京智能水表","北京智能电表","北京智能书店","北京智能水水你"],
selected_value_if_value_null: "",
show_square_brackets_on_selection: false
}; //设置默认选中值
for (var i=0;i<$scope.PayItemList.length;i++){
var a=$scope.PayItemList[i].paymentItemName;

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