A git cheatshell based on the book: http://www.git-scm.com/book/en/v2.

Repository Configuration

git init - initialize an empty repository

git clone https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2 - clone the remote repository to a local target named libgit2

git clone https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2 mylibgit - clone the remote repository to a local target named mylibgit

/etc/gitconfig: contains values for every user on the system and all their repositories. git config --system will read and write from this file

~/.gitconfig: specific to your user. git config --global will read and write from this file

.git/config: specific repository configuration

git config --global user.name "Jonathan Lim" - set global user to "Jonathan Lim"

git config --global user.email jonathanlim@example.com

git config --global core.editor emacs - set your default editor

Track Changes

git status - to view current status of your working directory

git add README -  add the file README to staging area

git commit - commit changes in staging area. In this case, a text editor will pop up to input commit comments

git commit -m "commit message" - commit with commit message

git commit -a -m "commit message" - makes Git automatically stage every file that is already tracked before doing the commit

git commit --amend - Amend the last commit, e.g. commit more files/modify the commit message

git rm - remove the file from the working directory and from the index. If the file is modified already and added to the index. Use git rm -f to force the removal

git rm --cached - keep the file in the working directory but remove it from the index

git mv file_from file_to - rename a file in Git

git log - list all the commits made in that repository

git log -p -2 - shows difference introduced in each commit. -2 limits the output to only the last two commits

git log --pretty="format string" - format the log

git log -Sfunction_name - Find the last commit that add/remove a reference to a specific function

git diff - to see what you've changed but not yet staged

git diff --staged -  to see what you've staged that will go into your next commit

git diff --cached - just like git diff --staged

git checkout -- [file] - discard all the changes on the file since last commit

Working with Remote

git remote - show remote repository name

git remote -v - show remote repository name and URL

git remote add [short name] [url] - Add a new remote Git repository as a shortname

git fetch [short name] - pull down all the data from that remote project. After doing this, should have references to all the branches from the remote. Note that, git fetch just pulls the data to the local repository - it doesn't do the merge automatically.

git push [short name] [branch name] - push local branch to remote server

git remote show [short name] - see more information about a particular remote

git remote rename [old short name] [new short name] - change a remote's shortname

git remote rm [short name]


Typically people use this functionality to mark release points (v1.0, and so on)

  • Lightweight tag: like a branch that doesn't change (it's just a pointer to a specific commit)
  • Annotated tag: stored as full objects in the Git database

git tag - list the available tags

git tag -l [pattern] - search for tags with a particular pattern

git show [tag] - show tag data along withe the commit that was tagged

git tag -a [tag] -m [message] - create a annotated tag


Tracking branch/upstream branch - local branches that have a direct relationship to a remote branch.When you clone a repository, it generally automatically creates a  master branch that tracks  origin/master

git branch [branch name] - create a new branch

git branch -v - show last commit on each branch

git branch --merged|--no-merged - show which branches are already merged/not merged into the current branch

git branch -d [branch] - delete a branch

git branch -u [remote branch, e.g.origin/hotfix] -

git log --oneline --decorate - show where the HEAD pointer is point

git log --online --decorate --graph --all - show the history of the commits, showing where the branch pointers are and how history has diverged

git checkout [branch name] - switch to an existing branch

git checkout -b [new branch name] - create a new branch and switch to the new one

git checkout -b [branch] [remote branch, e.g. origin/hotfix] - create a local branch that mapping to the remote branch

git merge [branch] - merge the target branch into current branch

git push [short name, e.g. origin] [local branch]:[branch on the remote] - push local branch to the branch on the remote project

git branch -vv - show what tracking branches you have set up

git rebase [branch] - take the patch of the changes that was introduced in C4 and reapply it on top of C3.

git rebase [base branch] [topic branch] - check out the topic branch and replay it onto the base branch

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