C.0689-The 2019 ICPC China Shaanxi Provincial Programming Contest
We call a string as a 0689-string if this string only consists of digits '0', '6', '8' and '9'. Given a 0689-string $s$ of length $n$, one must do the following operation exactly once: select a non-empty substring of $s$ and rotate it 180 degrees.
More formally, let $s_i$ be the $i$-th character in string $s$. After rotating the substring starting from $s_l$ and ending at $s_r$ 180 degrees ($1 \le l \le r \le n$), string $s$ will become string $t$ of length $n$ extracted from the following equation, where $t_i$ indicates the $i$-th character in string $t$: $$t_i = \begin{cases} s_i & \text{if } 1 \le i < l \text{ or } r < i \le n \\ \text{'0'} & \text{if } l \le i \le r \text{ and } s_{l+r-i} = \text{'0'} \\ \text{'6'} & \text{if } l \le i \le r \text{ and } s_{l+r-i} = \text{'9'} \\ \text{'8'} & \text{if } l \le i \le r \text{ and } s_{l+r-i} = \text{'8'} \\ \text{'9'} & \text{if } l \le i \le r \text{ and } s_{l+r-i} = \text{'6'} \\ \end{cases}$$
What's the number of different strings one can get after the operation?
We hereby explain the first sample test case.
Substring | Result | Substring | Result | |
0 | 0689 | 68 | 0899 | |
6 | 0989 | 89 | 0668 | |
8 | 0689 | 068 | 8909 | |
9 | 0686 | 689 | 0689 | |
06 | 9089 | 0689 | 6890 |
It's easy to discover that we can get 8 different strings after the operation.
1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <cstring> 3 4 const int MAXN = (int)1e6 + 5; 5 int t; 6 char str[MAXN]; 7 long long num[MAXN][5]; 8 9 int main() { 10 scanf("%d", &t); 11 while (t--) { 12 scanf("%s", str + 1); 13 int n = strlen(str + 1); 14 for (int i = 1; i <= n + 1; i++) num[i][1] = num[i][2] = num[i][3] = num[i][4] = 0; 15 for (int i = n; i >= 1; i--) { 16 num[i][1] = num[i + 1][1] + (str[i] == '0'); 17 num[i][2] = num[i + 1][2] + (str[i] == '8'); 18 num[i][3] = num[i + 1][3] + (str[i] == '6'); 19 num[i][4] = num[i + 1][4] + (str[i] == '9'); 20 } 21 long long ans = 1; 22 for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { 23 if (str[i] == '0') { 24 ans += num[i + 1][2]; 25 ans += num[i + 1][3]; 26 ans += num[i + 1][4]; 27 } 28 if (str[i] == '8') { 29 ans += num[i + 1][1]; 30 ans += num[i + 1][3]; 31 ans += num[i + 1][4]; 32 } 33 if (str[i] == '6') { 34 ans += num[i + 1][1]; 35 ans += num[i + 1][2]; 36 ans += num[i][3]; 37 } 38 if (str[i] == '9') { 39 ans += num[i + 1][1]; 40 ans += num[i + 1][2]; 41 ans += num[i][4]; 42 } 43 } 44 if (num[1][3] == n || num[1][4] == n) ans--; 45 printf("%lld\n", ans); 46 } 47 return 0; 48 }
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