该课题来源于UVA中Searching the Web的题目:https://vjudge.net/problem/UVA-1597



using namespace std;
struct newpair
int article;
int line;
bool operator<(const newpair b) const
return this->line < b.line;
typedef map<string,set<newpair> > BIGMAP;
typedef set<newpair>::iterator SET_pair_ITER;
typedef map<string,set<newpair> >::iterator BIGMAP_iter; BIGMAP maper;
string psd[];
int maxline; int checkmaper()
BIGMAP_iter it;
set<newpair> cyc;
for(SET_pair_ITER iter=cyc.begin();iter!=cyc.end();++iter)
newpair ctn=*iter;
cout<<" article "<<ctn.article<<" line "<<ctn.line<<endl;
return ;
} void buildmaper(string aim,int articlenum,int linenum)
newpair m;
} int readin()
int n;
char c;//input the \n
int cur=;
for(int i=;i<n;cur++)
if((int)psd[cur].find("***")!=-){i++;continue;}//the next article
for(string::iterator it=psd[cur].begin();it!=psd[cur].end();++it)
if(isalpha(*it)) *it=tolower(*it);
else *it=' ';
stringstream ss(psd[cur]);
string chr;
while(ss>>chr) buildmaper(chr,i,cur);
return cur;
} int main()
return ;











one   repeat  repeat  repeat
A manufacturer, importer, or seller of
digital media devices may not () sell,
or offer for sale, in interstate commerce,
or () cause to be transported in, or in a
manner affecting, interstate commerce,
a digital media device unless the device
includes and utilizes standard security
technologies that adhere to the security
system standards.
one two repeat repeat repeat repeat
Of course, Lisa did not necessarily
intend to read his books. She might
want the computer only to write her
midterm. But Dan knew she came from
a middle-class family and could hardly
afford the tuition, let alone her reading
fees. Books might be the only way she
could graduate
one two three repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat
Research in analysis (i.e., the evaluation
of the strengths and weaknesses of
computer system) is essential to the
development of effective security, both
for works protected by copyright law
and for information in general. Such
research can progress only through the
open publication and exchange of
complete scientific results
one two three four repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat
I am very very very happy!
What about you?


a  article  line
article line
article line
article line
about article line
adhere article line
affecting article line
afford article line
alone article line
am article line
analysis article line
and article line
article line
article line
article line
article line
be article line
article line
books article line
article line
both article line
but article line
by article line
came article line
can article line
cause article line
class article line
commerce article line
article line
complete article line
computer article line
article line
copyright article line
could article line
article line
course article line
dan article line
development article line
device article line
devices article line
did article line
digital article line
article line
e article line
effective article line
essential article line
evaluation article line
exchange article line
family article line
fees article line
for article line
article line
article line
four article line
from article line
general article line
graduate article line
happy article line
hardly article line
her article line
article line 17 其余略。。。。。。。。。。



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