You are given two binary strings aa and bb of the same length. You can perform the following two operations on the string aa:

  • Swap any two bits at indices ii and jj respectively (1≤i,j≤n1≤i,j≤n), the cost of this operation is |i−j||i−j|, that is, the absolute difference between ii and jj.
  • Select any arbitrary index ii (1≤i≤n1≤i≤n) and flip (change 00 to 11 or 11 to 00) the bit at this index. The cost of this operation is 11.

Find the minimum cost to make the string aa equal to bb. It is not allowed to modify string bb.


The first line contains a single integer nn (1≤n≤1061≤n≤106) — the length of the strings aa and bb.

The second and third lines contain strings aa and bb respectively.

Both strings aa and bb have length nn and contain only '0' and '1'.


Output the minimum cost to make the string aa equal to bb.


  1. 3

  1. 2

  1. 4

  1. 1

In the first example, one of the optimal solutions is to flip index 11 and index 33, the string aa changes in the following way: "100" →→ "000" →→ "001". The cost is 1+1=21+1=2.

The other optimal solution is to swap bits and indices 11 and 33, the string aa changes then "100" →→ "001", the cost is also |1−3|=2|1−3|=2.

In the second example, the optimal solution is to swap bits at indices 22 and 33, the string aa changes as "0101" →→ "0011". The cost is |2−3|=1|2−3|=1.


  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <vector>
  3. #include <algorithm>
  4. #include <string>
  5. #include <set>
  6. #include <queue>
  7. #include <map>
  8. #include <sstream>
  9. #include <cstdio>
  10. #include <cstring>
  11. #include <numeric>
  12. #include <cmath>
  13. #include <unordered_set>
  14. #include <unordered_map>
  15. #include <xfunctional>
  16. #define ll long long
  17. #define mod 998244353
  18. using namespace std;
  19. int dir[][] = { {,},{,-},{-,},{,} };
  20. const int maxn = 1e5 + ;
  21. const long long inf = 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f;
  23. int main()
  24. {
  25. int n,res=;
  26. cin >> n;
  27. string a, b;
  28. cin >> a >> b;
  29. int ans=;
  30. for (int i = ; i < a.size(); i++)
  31. {
  32. if (a[i] != b[i])
  33. {
  34. if (i + < a.size() && a[i + ] != b[i + ] && a[i]!=a[i+])
  35. {
  36. res++;
  37. i++;
  38. }
  39. else
  40. {
  41. res++;
  42. }
  43. }
  44. }
  45. cout << res;
  46. }


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