#include <regex>

regex reg1("\\w+day");
string s1 = "saturday";
string s2 = "saturday and sunday";
smatch r1;
smatch r2;
cout << boolalpha << regex_match(s1, r1, reg1) << endl; //true
cout << boolalpha << regex_match(s2, r2, reg1) << endl; //false
cout << "s1匹配结果:" << r1.str() << endl; //saturday
cout << "s2匹配结果:" << r2.str() << endl; //空
cout << endl;


smatch rr1;
smatch rr2;
cout << boolalpha << regex_search(s1, rr1, reg1) << endl; //true
cout << "s1匹配结果:" << rr1.str() << endl; //saturday
cout << boolalpha << regex_search(s2, rr2, reg1) << endl; //true
cout << "s1匹配结果:" << rr2.str() << endl; //saturday
cout << endl;


cout << "iterator结果:" << endl;
sregex_iterator it(s2.begin(), s2.end(), reg1);
sregex_iterator end;
for(; it != end; ++it)
cout << it->str() << endl;
//cout << *it << endl; 错误
} cout << "token_iterator结果:" << endl;
sregex_token_iterator tit(s2.begin(), s2.end(), reg1);
sregex_token_iterator tend;
for(; tit != tend; ++tit)
cout << tit->str() << endl;
cout << *tit << endl;


regex reg2("(\\d{1,3}):(\\d{1,3}):(\\d{1,3}):(\\d{1,3})");
string ip = "0:11:222:333";
smatch m;
regex_match(ip, m, reg2);
cout << "输出:str()" << endl;
cout << m.str() << endl; //0:11:222:333
cout << m.str() << endl; //0
cout << m.str() << endl; //11
cout << m.str() << endl; //222
cout << m.str() << endl; //333 cout << "输出:[i]" << endl; //结果同上
cout << m[] << endl;
cout << m[] << endl;
cout << m[] << endl;
cout << m[] << endl;
cout << m[] << endl;


string ip2 = "0:11:222:333 4:55:66:7";
sregex_iterator ip_it(ip2.begin(), ip2.end(), reg2);
sregex_iterator ip_end;
for(; ip_it != ip_end; ++ip_it)
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
using namespace std; int main()
regex reg1("\\w+day");
string s1 = "saturday";
string s2 = "saturday and sunday";
smatch r1;
smatch r2;
cout << boolalpha << regex_match(s1, r1, reg1) << endl;
cout << boolalpha << regex_match(s2, r2, reg1) << endl;
cout << "s1匹配结果:" << r1.str() << endl;
cout << "s2匹配结果:" << r2.str() << endl;
cout << endl; //regex_match只返回第一个匹配结果
smatch rr1;
smatch rr2;
cout << boolalpha << regex_search(s1, rr1, reg1) << endl;
cout << "s1匹配结果:" << rr1.str() << endl;
cout << boolalpha << regex_search(s2, rr2, reg1) << endl;
cout << "s1匹配结果:" << rr2.str() << endl;
cout << endl; //使用iterator返回多个匹配结果
cout << "iterator结果:" << endl;
sregex_iterator it(s2.begin(), s2.end(), reg1);
sregex_iterator end;
for(; it != end; ++it)
cout << it->str() << endl;
//cout << *it << endl; 错误
} cout << "token_iterator结果:" << endl;
sregex_token_iterator tit(s2.begin(), s2.end(), reg1);
sregex_token_iterator tend;
for(; tit != tend; ++tit)
cout << tit->str() << endl;
cout << *tit << endl;
} //子表达式匹配
regex reg2("(\\d{1,3}):(\\d{1,3}):(\\d{1,3}):(\\d{1,3})");
string ip = "0:11:222:333";
smatch m;
regex_match(ip, m, reg2);
cout << "输出:str()" << endl;
cout << m.str() << endl;
cout << m.str() << endl;
cout << m.str() << endl;
cout << m.str() << endl;
cout << m.str() << endl; cout << "输出:[i]" << endl;
cout << m[] << endl;
cout << m[] << endl;
cout << m[] << endl;
cout << m[] << endl;
cout << m[] << endl; //输出结果同上
//regex_search(ip, m, str2);
cout << endl;
string ip2 = "0:11:222:333 4:55:66:7";
sregex_iterator ip_it(ip2.begin(), ip2.end(), reg2);
sregex_iterator ip_end;
for(; ip_it != ip_end; ++ip_it)
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
cout << ip_it->str() << endl;
} return ; }

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