My current project requires a lot of work with Deep Zoom images. We recently received some very high-res photos, around 500M tiff files, some of which Deep Zoom Composer was unable to process. My first thought was to split them into smaller pieces and compose them together, but this led to visible join lines when processed, possibly due to rounding issues.

I’d already written some code to generate parts of a much larger deep zoom image, which was focused on building or rebuilding a small portion of much larger composition (over 2.5 million tiles in total) but it wasn’t quite ready to build a whole DZI.

So I took the bits of the code I needed and put them in a class by themselves. It’s very simple, and only designed to take a single source image and create a deep zoom tileset which can then be used by Silverlight.

It’s fairly unsophisticated in how it works. It loads in the source image (so you need enough RAM to hold that image at least) then renders out the top level tiles. Then it dumps the source image and renders the next levels down, rendering each one using the tiles of the level above. This seems to give a good result and was a technique I used previously when I was stitching together many source images and finding that DZC would leave ugly join lines at certain zoom levels.

The code feels a bit hacky, since most of the calculations were rough guesses or trial and error, but it definitely works for a single image, and it might be useful to someone, maybe as a server-side component to build deep zoom images on the fly. It’s biggest drawback is that it takes a long time, but if you’re using it in a WPF app you can always run it using a BackgroundWorker.

Note that this is WPF code, not Silverlight.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Xml.Linq; namespace DeepZoomBuilder
public enum ImageType
} public class DeepZoomCreator
/// <summary>
/// Default public constructor
/// </summary>
public DeepZoomCreator() { } /// <summary>
/// Create a deep zoom image from a single source image
/// </summary>
<param name="sourceImage">Source image path</param>
<param name="destinationImage">Destination path (must be .dzi or .xml)</param>
public void CreateSingleComposition(string sourceImage, string destinationImage, ImageType type)
imageType = type;
string source = sourceImage;
string destDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationImage);
string leafname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(destinationImage);
string root = Path.Combine(destDirectory, leafname); ;
string filesdir = root + "_files"; Directory.CreateDirectory(filesdir);
BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(new Uri(source));
double dWidth = img.PixelWidth;
double dHeight = img.PixelHeight;
double AspectRatio = dWidth / dHeight; // The Maximum level for the pyramid of images is
// Log2(maxdimension) double maxdimension = Math.Max(dWidth, dHeight);
double logvalue = Math.Log(maxdimension, );
int MaxLevel = (int)Math.Ceiling(logvalue);
string topleveldir = Path.Combine(filesdir, MaxLevel.ToString()); // Create the directory for the top level tiles
Directory.CreateDirectory(topleveldir); // Calculate how many tiles across and down
int maxcols = img.PixelWidth / ;
int maxrows = img.PixelHeight / ; // Get the bounding rectangle of the source image, for clipping
Rect MainRect = new Rect(, , img.PixelWidth, img.PixelHeight);
for (int j = ; j <= maxrows; j++)
for (int i = ; i <= maxcols; i++)
// Calculate the bounds of the tile
// including a 1 pixel overlap each side
Rect smallrect = new Rect((double)(i * ) - , (double)(j * ) - , 258.0, 258.0); // Adjust for the rectangles at the edges by intersecting
smallrect.Intersect(MainRect); // We want a RenderTargetBitmap to render this tile into
// Create one with the dimensions of this tile
RenderTargetBitmap outbmp = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)smallrect.Width, (int)smallrect.Height, , , PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
DrawingVisual visual = new DrawingVisual();
DrawingContext context = visual.RenderOpen(); // Set the offset of the source image into the destination bitmap
// and render it
Rect rect = new Rect(-smallrect.Left, -smallrect.Top, img.PixelWidth, img.PixelHeight);
context.DrawImage(img, rect);
outbmp.Render(visual); // Save the bitmap tile
string destination = Path.Combine(topleveldir, string.Format("{0}_{1}", i, j));
EncodeBitmap(outbmp, destination); // null out everything we've used so the Garbage Collector
// knows they're free. This could easily be voodoo since they'll go
// out of scope, but it can't hurt.
outbmp = null;
context = null;
visual = null;
} // clear the source image since we don't need it anymore
img = null;
GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); // Now render the lower levels by rendering the tiles from the level
// above to the next level down
for (int level = MaxLevel - ; level >= ; level--)
RenderSubtiles(filesdir, dWidth, dHeight, MaxLevel, level);
} // Now generate the .dzi file string format = "png";
if (imageType == ImageType.Jpeg)
format = "jpg";
} XElement dzi = new XElement("Image",
new XAttribute("TileSize", ),
new XAttribute("Overlap", ),
new XAttribute("Format", format), // xmlns="">
new XElement("Size",
new XAttribute("Width", dWidth),
new XAttribute("Height", dHeight)),
new XElement("DisplayRects",
new XElement("DisplayRect",
new XAttribute("MinLevel", ),
new XAttribute("MaxLevel", MaxLevel),
new XElement("Rect",
new XAttribute("X", ),
new XAttribute("Y", ),
new XAttribute("Width", dWidth),
new XAttribute("Height", dHeight)))));
dzi.Save(destinationImage); } /// <summary>
/// Save the output bitmap as either Png or Jpeg
/// </summary>
<param name="outbmp">Bitmap to save</param>
<param name="destination">Path to save to, without the file extension</param>
private void EncodeBitmap(RenderTargetBitmap outbmp, string destination)
if (imageType == ImageType.Png)
PngBitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
FileStream fs = new FileStream(destination + ".png", FileMode.Create);
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = ;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(destination + ".jpg", FileMode.Create);
} /// <summary>
/// Specifies the output filetype
/// </summary>
ImageType imageType = ImageType.Jpeg; /// <summary>
/// Render the subtiles given a fully rendered top-level
/// </summary>
<param name="subfiles">Path to the xxx_files directory</param>
<param name="imageWidth">Width of the source image</param>
<param name="imageHeight">Height of the source image</param>
<param name="maxlevel">Top level of the tileset</param>
<param name="desiredlevel">Level we want to render. Note it requires
/// that the level above this has already been rendered.</param>
private void RenderSubtiles(string subfiles, double imageWidth, double imageHeight, int maxlevel, int desiredlevel)
string formatextension = ".png";
if (imageType == ImageType.Jpeg)
formatextension = ".jpg";
int uponelevel = desiredlevel + ;
double desiredfactor = Math.Pow(, maxlevel - desiredlevel);
double higherfactor = Math.Pow(, maxlevel - (desiredlevel + ));
string renderlevel = Path.Combine(subfiles, desiredlevel.ToString());
string upperlevel = Path.Combine(subfiles, (desiredlevel + ).ToString()); // Calculate the tiles we want to translate down
Rect MainBounds = new Rect(, , imageWidth, imageHeight);
Rect OriginalRect = new Rect(, , imageWidth, imageHeight); // Scale down this rectangle to the scale factor of the level we want
MainBounds.X = Math.Ceiling(MainBounds.X / desiredfactor);
MainBounds.Y = Math.Ceiling(MainBounds.Y / desiredfactor);
MainBounds.Width = Math.Ceiling(MainBounds.Width / desiredfactor);
MainBounds.Height = Math.Ceiling(MainBounds.Height / desiredfactor); int lowx = (int)Math.Floor(MainBounds.X / );
int lowy = (int)Math.Floor(MainBounds.Y / );
int highx = (int)Math.Floor(MainBounds.Right / );
int highy = (int)Math.Floor(MainBounds.Bottom / ); for (int x = lowx; x <= highx; x++)
for (int y = lowy; y <= highy; y++)
Rect smallrect = new Rect((double)(x * ) - , (double)(y * ) - , 258.0, 258.0);
RenderTargetBitmap outbmp = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)smallrect.Width, (int)smallrect.Height, , , PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
DrawingVisual visual = new DrawingVisual();
DrawingContext context = visual.RenderOpen(); // Calculate the bounds of this tile Rect rect = smallrect;
// This is the rect of this tile. Now render any appropriate tiles onto it
// The upper level tiles are twice as big, so they have to be shrunk down Rect scaledRect = new Rect(rect.X * , rect.Y * , rect.Width * , rect.Height * );
for (int tx = lowx * ; tx <= highx * + ; tx++)
for (int ty = lowy * ; ty <= highy * + ; ty++)
// See if this tile overlaps
Rect subrect = GetTileRectangle(tx, ty);
if (scaledRect.IntersectsWith(subrect))
subrect.X -= scaledRect.X;
subrect.Y -= scaledRect.Y;
RenderTile(context, Path.Combine(upperlevel, tx.ToString() + "_" + ty.ToString() + formatextension), subrect);
outbmp.Render(visual); // Render the completed tile and clear all resources used
string destination = Path.Combine(renderlevel, string.Format(@"{0}_{1}", x, y));
EncodeBitmap(outbmp, destination);
outbmp = null;
visual = null;
context = null;
} } /// <summary>
/// Get the bounds of the given tile rectangle
/// </summary>
<param name="x">x index of the tile</param>
<param name="y">y index of the tile</param>
/// <returns>Bounding rectangle for the tile at the given indices</returns>
private static Rect GetTileRectangle(int x, int y)
Rect rect = new Rect( * x - , * y - , , );
if (x == )
rect.X = ;
rect.Width = rect.Width - ;
if (y == )
rect.Y = ;
rect.Width = rect.Width - ;
} return rect;
} /// <summary>
/// Render the given tile rectangle, shrunk down by half to fit the next
/// lower level
/// </summary>
<param name="context">DrawingContext for the DrawingVisual to render into</param>
<param name="path">path to the tile we're rendering</param>
<param name="rect">Rectangle to render this tile.</param>
private void RenderTile(DrawingContext context, string path, Rect rect)
if (File.Exists(path))
BitmapImage img = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path));
rect = new Rect(rect.X / 2.0, rect.Y / 2.0, ((double)img.PixelWidth) / 2.0, ((double)img.PixelHeight) / 2.0);
context.DrawImage(img, rect);
} }

If you do use this for anything, please let me know as I’d love to see it used elsewhere.

Update: This code is now a little redundant, now that the Deep Zoom Composer team have released a DLL to do the same thing.



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