
Eg:$str = "just atest & 'learn to use '";
echo html_entity_decode($str);
echo "<br />";
echo html_entity_decode($str,ENT_QUOTES);
echo "<br />";
echo html_entity_decode($str,ENT_NOQUOTES);


just a test & 'learn to use '
just a test & 'learn to use '
just a test & 'learn to use '


Eg:$str = "just a test  & 'learn to use'";
echo  htmlentities($str,ENT_COMPAT);
echo  "<br/>";
echo  htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES);
echo  "<br/>";
echo  htmlentities($str, ENT_NOQUOTES);


just a test & 'learn to use'
just a test & 'learn to use'
just a test & 'learn to use'

just a test  &amp;  'learn to use'<br />
just a test  &amp;  'learn to use'<br />
just a test  &amp;  'learn to use'



默认情况下,PHP指令 magic_quotes_gpc 为
on,对所有的GET、POST 和COOKIE 数据自动运行 addslashes()。不要对已经被 magic_quotes_gpc
转义过的字符串使用 addslashes(),因为这样会导致双层转义。遇到这种情况时可以使用函数get_magic_quotes_gpc()

Eg:$str3="\  just  a   '   \" test";


\\ just a \' \" test


Eg:$str4="\\ just a \'\" test";
echo  stripslashes($str4);


just a ' " test

5、 htmlspecialchars():把一些预定义的字符转换为html实体。

& (和号) 成为&amp;  
 " (双引号) 成为&quot;
' (单引号) 成为'
< (小于) 成为&lt;
> (大于) 成为&gt;

Eg:$str5 = "just atest  & 'learn to use'";
echo htmlspecialchars($str5, ENT_COMPAT);
echo  "<br/>";
echo  htmlspecialchars($str5, ENT_QUOTES);
echo  "<br/>";
echo  htmlspecialchars($str5, ENT_NOQUOTES);


just a test & 'learn to use'
just a test & 'learn to use'
just a test & 'learn to use'

查看源代码:  just a test  &amp; 'learn to use'<br />
                     just a test  &amp; 'learn to use'<br />
                     just a test  &amp; 'learn to use'
6、 htmlspecialchars_decode():把一些预定义的html实体转换为字符。

会被解码的html实体包括:&amp; 成为 &(和号)
 &quot; 成为 " (双引号)
 ' 成为 ' (单引号)
 &lt; 成为 < (小于)
 &gt; 成为 > (大于)

Eg:$str6 = "just atest  &amp; 'learn to use'";
echo  htmlspecialchars_decode($str6);
echo  "<br />";
echo  htmlspecialchars_decode($str6, ENT_QUOTES);
echo  "<br />";
echo  htmlspecialchars_decode($str6, ENT_NOQUOTES);

just a test & 'learn to use '
just a test & 'learn to use '
just a test & 'learn to use '
        just a test  & 'learn to use '<br />
        just a test  & 'learn to use '<br />
        just a test  & 'learn to use '


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